apple cider vinegar?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 6, 2012
i have read about putting apple cider vinegar in chickens water onc a month for this true? and how much per gallon of water?
I don't think it does anything with regard to worms. What I believe I understand is that it aids in absorbing nutrients and it keeps the sliminess down on the waterer.

It's about 1 TB per gallon. I use the unfiltered kind (with "the mother").

Do not use it with metal waterers as the vinegar acts as a corrosive.
i have read about putting apple cider vinegar in chickens water onc a month for this true? and how much per gallon of water?

i use a one or two drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide once a week it keeps the water bottles clean and them chickens thrive .But remember ONE OR TWO drops in the whole bottle OK?
i have read about putting apple cider vinegar in chickens water onc a month for this true? and how much per gallon of water?
Apple Cider Vinegar does nothing for controlling internal parasites.


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