
ok, after I was given the CORRECT spelling for them, I googled it...and found out that there rare in the U.S...type of leghorn...lay white eggs, are black with spotted white or gold giving it a molted look...docile...came from england...adapt to any enviorment, forage for food...

The pic is not lit very well, but they have puffy cheeks and the look of EE's. What you described there sounds like an Ancona, which is a bantam breed and definitly does not look like the birds is the picture.​
ok, thanks all....daily as I continue on my chicken road...I learn more and more...Im hatching feet showing now!!!!

Buffy *buff orps*

have 2 more cracked....I still want to know what the guy sold me...he said I was buying leghorns, EEs...and from my pictures of my hens....ahhhh he was maybe WRONG.... I think I have one EE for I got a green egg yesterday...but I have another laying one also...but she doesnt look like an EE...can anyone help me figure out what I have????
here's there pictures....nobody can tell me what Smokey might be either....
Okay, I looked at the thread and I think everyone agrees on the first one.

The second one is an EE.

Not sure about the third one, but I would have to say some type of blue orp too.

Sunshine is an EE.

Smokey is an EE.

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