Araucana thread anyone?

Very nice

Reading it always makes me think back on my own little story of how I first got my EE's, then Ameraucanas, then finally Araucanas. It's nice having all three. That way you can really show someone. The sad part though is how many locals will say "oh yeah! I've got an Araucana too!" And, as much as I am soooo itchy to tell them the truth because I KNOW they don't, even though I didn't see their bird, . . . I don't bring it up unless they start spouting lies about the breed. You know, green/pink eggs, beards, hatchery/feedstore source, brown color, etc.
Thank You Illia,

Yeah, I know what you mean. One lady was so rude about the fact that she wasn't interested in my eggs cause she had an araucana at home, I pulled up my website on my phone and asked her if that is what her birds looked like. She said um, no. I said, well that my dear is a real araucana and they are very hard to find. I pay good money for this hobby of mine, to make sure I have the best birds of this breed I can afford. I sell their eggs to help me continue the hobby that I love. Would you like to buy some. She scuttled away. I felt like yelling " Thats right keep walking" but I was kinda ashamed that I called her on it.

Really uncalled for but hilarious to think of.

The last people I had over at my place were actually "awesome" in my book. . . They were there to buy goats, and during the time of our talk, a lady was just in awe at my blue Ameraucana hen (the one I sent the photo of to you) You have to consider, blue is not a common color to find in hatcheries - So, she LOVED the color and loved the hen! I told her it's an Ameraucana, and lays blue eggs too. Then we got into a talk about hatchery birds and the fact that hers all stopped laying at 3 years old, so I told her the whole scoop, then said about how non-hatchery ones last longer, and hey! I sell hatching eggs and chicks. . . Even from that blue hen.

She was very interested.
I know I'm bad. Fortunately the lady later forgave me and was nicer to me the next time she saw me sitting at my booth. She even asked me questions about the Araucana. My cheeks are still red thinking about it and it happened months ago. UGH!!

Congrats Illia, sell her some eggs.

haha! Too funny, yet i know i would have done the same thing! I get that same type of person on a regular basis at work, end up thunking them down a level... have yet to get fired thankfully haha
Lanae, very well and clearly put - this would have been very, very helpful to me at the beginning of my Araucana, Ameraucana , Easter Egger journey (where were you then?). Now, hopefully you can grab a glass of wine and put your feet up for a while; you've been working very hard on this book of yours!
My poor husband thinks he has forgotten what I look like. Its dark when he leaves and its dark when I slink out of my office and into bed.

I think I have been reading here too much. I dreamed last night I was hovering over a pile of hatching eggs hoping for tufted black chicks and they were all popping out as little chipmonks with eye stripes. In the dream all I could think of was I hope Lanae will buy them! Weird!
haha, that plus spring fever i guess hehe. We have more snow on the ground then i can ever remember, and there is more on the way yet! i keep thinking spring planning some hatches, but its too much! we should only have to get through another month and a half? i can make it!
I am here for you Ann. Don't you worry. You keep popping out those chipmonks and I will buy them.

Minnie laid her first egg yesterday. It was so pretty, kind of a medium blue. She just looked at me like " Of course its georgous, I am Minnie"


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