Araucana thread anyone?

OK...2 questions on this one.

1. Is this a Roo? I think it might be because of the hackle feathers.
2. What do I call this color? Splash?

Thanks for your help and sorry for the double post.

Yeppers, definitely looks like a rooster to me! Slim rooster feathers growing in around his neck, the bit of reddish bleed on the wings. Plus the comb looks rooish.

May be splash, looks like an early splash. But time will tell.
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Thank you!

OK, if this IS a Splash or other "mystery" color...What color(s) do I use him on?
I do have 1 pullet the same coloring as him...I want to do this correctly.

Thank you!

He was white at hatch but now he's turning blue/grey with pretty lemon tones here and there.

I need to take a better photo, I'll wait until the sun comes out it's been raining and dark this week...need a better flash.

I really appreciate all the help.

Hi! I had a question in 'Raising Chicks' and someone suggested I post here.

I live north of Houston Texas. The only chickens I want & don't have are Aruacanas but I want Bantams since that's what the rest of my flock is.  And 'true' Aruacanas, not Amerucanas or EE's (although I know there's nothing 'wrong' with either type -- I just want what I want!).

Does anyone have a lead for me? Or a hatchery that I could order from and actually GET true Aruacanas??!!

like you, I love all the different breeds, only I have huge chickens - Large Fowl Cochins, Jersey Giants, Australorps, etc. This fall I bought 3 Araucanas and they are sooooo little next to my big birds. They probably aren't much bigger than banties. I got my Araucanas through Showbird Auction - here is their web address: At this time there are no active auctions and won't be until the weather is better for shipping in the spring. My birds were not cheap but they were 5 weeks old when I got them With shipping, my birds averaged $100.00 each. The day old chicks are much less - especially the shipping. Hope that helps
Thanks Lanae! I love her too!

And beausonge yes their plumage is very full! The tailed bird started out very awkward as a chick but now that shes grown up she is just beautiful!
like you, I love all the different breeds, only I have huge chickens - Large Fowl Cochins, Jersey Giants, Australorps, etc. This fall I bought 3 Araucanas and they are sooooo little next to my big birds. They probably aren't much bigger than banties. I got my Araucanas through Showbird Auction - here is their web address: At this time there are no active auctions and won't be until the weather is better for shipping in the spring. My birds were not cheap but they were 5 weeks old when I got them With shipping, my birds averaged $100.00 each. The day old chicks are much less - especially the shipping. Hope that helps
Yes, this was the one thing that I didn't understand about Araucana....their size was smaller than I had expected in comparison to other breeds. And mine are Large Fowl as well.

I still enjoy them, just not sure how many dinners the culls will provide my family.
They say that Marraduna Basque are super friendly but Araucana FAR surpassed MB/EO in friendliness 100 fold.

Happybooker: You should get some and don't worry about the size. (You might need to wait until Spring)
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