Araucana thread anyone?




Greg the Bantam BBR Araucana. Tailed, from rumpless parents. I got her cheap from a breeder as a day old as she does not keep tailed offspring. I may get a rumpless cock to breed with her or I may cross her with a Frizzled Serama for some cute Bantam Easter Eggers. Possibly both; in any case I'll have to wait until she lays, which, with her at 10 months of age now, I would hope happens soon.

So mine aren't the only ones to throw a tailed from both rumpless parents??? :gig

I have a SDW boy just like her... too bad you're not closer...
So mine aren't the only ones to throw a tailed from both rumpless parents???

I have a SDW boy just like her... too bad you're not closer...
That is crazy, the tailed genetics must be really Dominant....yes, with a capital D!

Is this what a SDW pullet looks like? I didn't know that... The pattern in her feathers, is that what they call "stippling?"
That is crazy, the tailed genetics must be really Dominant....yes, with a capital D!

Is this what a SDW pullet looks like? I didn't know that... The pattern in her feathers, is that what they call "stippling?"

Oh, no! Hers is BBR, Black Breasted Red... mine is SDW...

The light streak in the middle of the feather is called 'shafting'... defect in some breeds colors...
LOL, ok, I misunderstood!

I've been chatting with Jenn today, she's into the Red Pyle and Crele thing too
.... She sent a pic of a very nice crele roo in Oregon....I'd like to get some eggs from that breeder! I hope I get to meet Jenn soon and see her projects
Hope I'm understanding this thread correctly and it's OK to post here.

I've wanted araucana chick's for the longest time. I've order from two different scources. They should arrive on Dec.2nd and 3rd. Would some of you be kind enough to tell me if my hatching plan is OK and offer suggestion on how to improve it.

First, I plan to let the eggs acclimate and settle by placing them pointy tip down in a tray for 24 hours. During this time ill candle them and check the air sacs and fertility. Ill make adjustments if needed at this time. However, im very new at hatching chicken eggs. So its still new to me and hard to make judgements on things ive never seen. Then I'll put them in the egg turner inside the already heated incubator. (99.5 degrees with 45% humidity. I don't plan on candling again until day 18 when they go into lock down unless there is air sacred issues. At this time I'll up the humidity to 65%. Any suggestions you guys have will be very much appreciated.

My first chicken hatch just completed yesterday. The sweetest lady sold me eggs for silver laced cochin bantam and Mille Fleur cochin bantams. They are the cutest little things. One of the air sacs moved all over the place. Believe it or not it hatched. But I'm almost certain usps was rough on my eggs. Anyway, I gave them the Marek vaccine today and I must say it was a horrible experience. They had a strange reaction. They were screaming and falling all over the place by the time I got to the last one. I thought I was going to lose them. Within an hour they were fine but it really shook me up. Now I'm nervous about my araucana eggs.

Congrats on your new hatchlings! I bet they are beauties!....

I'm new to this stuff too, but I'll share my experience (so far).... I spent about $400 on Araucana eggs from 3 different breeders in different areas of the country. I incubated about 70 eggs, all together. The first attempt was 42 and the other 2 sets incubated together in a second attempt. - Not one single egg pipped. None. So, I have scoured the 'net and found a few people with live birds... I now have 9 out in the coop and about 5 more coming in the future.

I followed the same protocol you outlined above, but I would lower the humidity to 35% to start with - but that's just me, there's a lot of opinion on that and seems like your first hatch went really well. So, I think you have a good plan.... If you're not candling again until day 18, you might take note of any "off odors," in case an egg goes bad - you'll want to remove it quickly.

I've never vaccinated for anything, it does sound horrible. I have sheep and had to vaccinate one once, I thought she was going to die! I guess it stung pretty good....scared me stiff. I hate the stuff....
I can deliver lambs and even tube feed them, but I hate sticking them!

I sincerely wish you the best possible luck with your Araucana eggs - you should keep us posted and let us know how it goes!

~ Rita
Thank you n8ivetxn, others have said the same thing to me about the araucana eggs. It appears that I will be ordering pullets and cockerals in my "spring future." :D I didn't know before I ordered eggs though. I bought one set of eggs on ebay from a breeder and read through her reviews. She had quite nice reviews with several people waiting till hatch to give their review. Several said their eggs hatched. Also, she breeds with a tailed and a rumpless araucana. But I thought if I could at least get a blue egg even if it has a tail I'll be fine. I'll just order a few trios in the spring.

My second set isn't a breeder but they got their chickens from Lanae Cash. Very nice looking little flock. I want a blue, black and white trio and a red and white pair/trio to start with.

Sorry about your $400. You probably could have gotten a nice trio and shipped for that. Sounds like you're doing great developing you're flock. Good luck with you're new arrivals. Don't forget to post some pictures for us. :D I love to look at araucana pics. Just sit and drool and then promptly go clean my phone. lol

Almost forgot. Do you mind if I ask why you set to 35% for humidity? Just want to learn. Thank you again for your response. Huggs, JuJu
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Ok, I just wanted to post some pics of chicks
.........comments and breeding suggestions are always welcome

I thought this next chick had barring, but it's looking more like blue with uneven lacing...

I think this white one (pullet?) has some splash or paint type markings. Some of the feather shafts look gold/red, but there are blue/black in the feathering....

This blue & red pullet has huge double tufts....

That last 'blue and red' is no pullet. That is cockerel coloring. They are still much too young to assess breeding quality.
Really?! Wow!
That's cool! "He" has nice tufts
.......And, that would explain why another chick (no pics of him), I'm fairly sure is a cockerel, keeps aggressively attacking this one....
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