Araucana thread anyone?

#9329 of 9329
a day ago
Originally Posted by JuJubeann View Post

My eggs did not arrive... sad.png I pm'd the seller and she was very helpful. She told me not to worry just yet. She said the eggs were fresh and would be fine when they get here on Monday. She was kind enough to tell me if the box was damaged to refuse and return to sender. She said she would reship at that point. I had to go ahead and incubate the eggs I have now. Also means I have to buy another incubator. Dreading breaking that news to my hubby just yet. lol

Both people I ordered eggs from have been very nice so I'm hopeful yet not expecting too much. Well than I'm going crazy wondering if my eggs are too cold, where they are, and does the driver even care. Other than that I'm ok... lol

How did your hatches turn out JuJubeann??? Hopefully good! Merry Christmas to all you araucana fanciers!B]

The first set of 8 didn't have any fertile eggs. Of the 6 cream leg bars only one was fertile but it didn't hatch. It was due on the 24th and I still have it in the incubator. The second set has 8 out of 12 eggs that are fertile. They are due on tomorrow. It's only a few hours away and 3 have pipped. I'm tired and want to go to bed it's been a long day but I'm too excited to sleep. I'm afraid I'll miss something I could have helped. lol I have the incubator in the bedroom with me now as well as my little Mille fleur cochin bantam and my silver laced cochin bantams. They are almost 4 weeks and soooo sweet. I've taken them outside the last two days and let them forage since it's been so warm here. They don't last but about 30 minutes and then come running to me to pick them up. I'll try to post some pics of them tomorrow and an update on my araucanas. I'm hopeful and maybe I'll have some good luck. Ok, I'm really going outta my

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and you're blessed throughout the year! <3

I've got to learn how to quote. That didn't work out for me. :p

:fl :fl :fl

Thus is the only one I've hatched so far. 3 more have pipped. Lol is pipped a word? :p
Three have hatched now and one more pip for sure. I thought one more had pipped but the chicks are rolling the eggs around now and I can only see one.

It looks like a white/gold chick, a black or blue chick, and a black or blue with a golden color.
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Three have hatched now and one more pip for sure. I thought one more had pipped but the chicks are rolling the eggs around now and I can only see one.

It looks like a white/gold chick, a black or blue chick, and a black or blue with a golden color.

Awesome!!! They are so hard to hatch congrats
Apparently, I can't count. I have 7 araucana eggs in the incubator and one cream legbar. 5 araucana have hatched. 4 are black and 1 white. The black ones look like they silver hair mixed thru-out the black. It's hard to tell exactly they are still in the bator. The last two araucana haven't pipped.
Apparently, I can't count. I have 7 araucana eggs in the incubator and one cream legbar. 5 araucana have hatched. 4 are black and 1 white. The black ones look like they silver hair mixed thru-out the black. It's hard to tell exactly they are still in the bator. The last two araucana haven't pipped.

Ooh, I'm so happy for you! LOL... can you post some pics of the new chicks, we want to see!
Pics of my kids
...... I generally let them run free, but recently my roos have been beating up on a younger guy, so now I have to separate them and rotate letting each group out
. I don't think they were hurting him, but he was certainly scared of them.....


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