
98 gt

a man of many... chickens
12 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Marshville NC
When hatching them, will the chick ( if female of course) lay the same colored egg as hatched out of when mature??
I'm glad you asked. I was just wondering the same thing a couple days ago. I'lll keep watching to see what is said. i've got 6 eggs waiting for my power to be back before they are shipped. I ordered them the day the storm came and today is day 5 with no power.
I'm glad you asked. I was just wondering the same thing a couple days ago. I'lll keep watching to see what is said. i've got 6 eggs waiting for my power to be back before they are shipped. I ordered them the day the storm came and today is day 5 with no power.
Something inbetween from what I gather.

Blue X Brown... green
Blue X white... light blue or off white
Blue X Dark Brown... olive

perhaps someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Probably a green egg. My Araucana cross (turns out it is a mix because the breeder lied to me but that's another story) I hatched from a pretty blue egg but she lays a green egg. I love her anyways but am disappointed I was lied to. She has no tail and tufts of an Araucana but is not an approved color to show and then the fact she lays the wrong color egg.
sorry to here that FG

I will be picking out some baby chicks soon, never thought about them laying a diff. color. Hope I don't get lied too.

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