Are all chickens the same?



Aug 14, 2017
Hey guys! So I had a moment of panic I wanted to share because well I've had chickens for a year now and we are getting off the free loading too hot to give eggs consistently months I didnt get to experience last year lol.

So I went to go check on chickens cuz we are on the outskirts of a hurricane here. And it's about that time where everyone is finding a spot to lay..roost oops lol when I happen to pet a barred rock who normally runs from me. And she has a big ole breast shes my biggest barred rock I have and I immediately thought omg my chicken is egg bound and went running to the house to google symptoms of said thing! Well it says feel the eggs and this and that and a bath. So I March out to this chicken grab her from the roost and start feeling. And all I can feel is not eggs I mean she must have like a built chest but its squishy with a little firmness but no round eggs or anything like that. And by this time she yelling at me cuz I have her on the ground feeling for something wrong. And I'm digging into her feathers looking at her vent and I'm checking a little list off in my head is she she looking like shes pooping but not no...she flew her way up 6ft in the I let her go and she runs back into the coop like I'm a crazy person after her and all I can figure is shes running yelling flying and I just groped my chicken?:idunno

Now I know my stars have a bigger chest when they are gonna lay the next day but this just seemed so big! Or maybe it's gonna be a big egg? She is bigger than my stars not as big as my delewares and my biggest is a lavender..orphington and some brahmas. But she sure did not appreciate me and my are all chickens bodies set up differently?

Anyway for all you veterans out there lol just imagine a woman walking with a determined look on her face and this poor chicken trying to figure out why I'm man handling her only to come to the conclusion nothing appears to be wrong and I have never come out at that time to see them settle down on the roost lol.
Are you taking about her under side or her front top? Based on your description it sounds like her craw but thats opposite her vent so I'm a little confused. This is all I could find in my photo. Was it near the red or blue circle?
Red or blue .jpg
:idunno so when I first got into chickens the guy said you can feel them up there:idunno

I've never questioned it until I thought my big breasted chicken was egg bound cuz she looked funny for 30 seconds. She must have been stretching? Snuggling? She stood really tall and did the z like move and started to squish herself down on the roost and I panicked

Needless to say I freaked out my chicken and gave her a massage?:yesss: go me!

:idunno guess you learn something everyday!
So you DID just grope your hen in the pervert!:lau
Oh stop that. :smack

I've never questioned it until I thought my big breasted chicken was egg bound cuz she looked funny for 30 seconds.
You do need to learn the difference between the crop (red circle), the belly(blue circle) and vent (above blue circle)..and what is normal in the places and what is not.
It's not clear what your concern may be.
Well ya'll sure got to know each other, that is for sure! But you can't tell a thing about eggs up there, all you can tell is you've got a fat, sassy hen. Egg binding is a check the vent area thing. You'll know if she's bound, she'll puff up and look miserable her tail will point down instead of up and she'll walk like a penguin. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall though for sure.:)
:idunno so when I first got into chickens the guy said you can feel them up there:idunno

I've never questioned it until I thought my big breasted chicken was egg bound cuz she looked funny for 30 seconds. She must have been stretching? Snuggling? She stood really tall and did the z like move and started to squish herself down on the roost and I panicked

Needless to say I freaked out my chicken and gave her a massage?:yesss: go me!

:idunno guess you learn something everyday!
Yea I never knew it had a name. Lol I know the vent. But honestly I got my first chickens from someone who had been doing it for a while so I never really questioned where the egg starts. That's where they said ya know? And there really wasnt too much concern as more of a funny story. I panicked and groped before i came here and asked questions

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