Are all my Sizzles boys?


10 Years
Sep 17, 2009
New Jersey
I'm sort of new to sexing chicks, so I have no idea. We have only raised silkies in the past, and I certainly couldn't tell with them.
We hatched out 3 sizzle chicks 5 weeks ago. One I can tell is a boy, he has a very red comb and wattles and acts like a roo, but the other 2 I'm not sure about. I'm afraid they may all be boys.
Any help is appreciated, I tried to get the best pictures I could. Thank you!

Sizzle #1

Sizzle #2

Sizzle #1 is taking a dirt bath, #2 is standing up
Hmmm... Sizzle #1 looks like a pullet, but the redness is really throwing me off.

Sizzle #2 just seems roo-ish.

Both roos perhap?
It's hard to tell in the pictures, but #1's comb is pink and #2's is more red. I'm afraid that even the pinkness of #1 means it's a roo.

Thank you for the help.
They are very cute! I have some too and can only have hens so I feel your pain if they are both roos!

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