Are Chickens Smart?


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
I have been putting my RSL hen into a pet carrier at night due to fighting issues,and her pooping on everyones eggs. Spiteful young lady she is.

Anyway, I went to get her last night and she wasn't in the chicken shed with the others.Figured she was under a table in the yard,or maybe the hawk got her. I was headed to the house to get a flash light and decided to look in the carrier. Well she was in there! She got through the fence and walked into the garage.Normally I close the garage door,but yesterday I left it open. I think she was trying to get in the day before too,but I had the door closed. She remembers the carrier and now seems to prefer it over the nest box. If I had room in the chicken shed I would put the carrier in there for her.

I did not think chickens remember much,but somehow she knows to roost in the carrier that is in the garage.My little witchy girl.
I had a rooster that would free range with the other chickens in the yard and in the evening he would put himself in the 10x10 dog kennel where I kept him seperate from the flock. When it comes to bed time it seems they know where to go!
I believe they are more intelligent than they let on
X2 They have great memories and when I open my back door they all come running for their treats of the day... When I don't let them out to free range when they think it's time I swear I hear them saying (Let us out Lady)... Sounds crazy I know but they also know when they are doing something they shouldn't...
Smart is kind of relative. They do remember and strongly follow conditioned patterns. They know the difference between a familiar person/cat/ dog and a stranger. They can learn their names. They can learn to seek out their caretaker to solve a problem--btw, my son's tarantula can do that last one.
they recognize my car when I get home at night and they know what a silver pie tin is used for as well...
they may not be "smart" per se, but they have great memories!
Any living thing which can worm its way into my heart of stone is smart: my chickens are incredibly smart

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