are cuckoo marans a broody breed?

I dont know, but cochins are too, no? We've raised chickens for 5 years, had orpingtons, wyandottes, cochins, only ONCE has a hen gone broody and it was a wyandotte. And many people have hens who are supposedly a nonbroody breed, but they have them go broody tons.

Depends on the chicken, if you have a bunch others going, then ya, it will want to try it out, but if not, then who knows
Oh its just because my Buff orpington hens and my cream legbar hen are bringing up a cuckoo maran chicks and BO chick, so i wanted to no if the maran would be a good broody because i love broodies
A REALLY broody breed is pekin bantam, we have 3 and they all get broody in turns. In 1 month we get all 3 broody, and it spreads between the 3 pekin bantams

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