Are hens happier with a rooster around?

Good morning, I can't remember a time in my life when I haven't had chickens, with or without roosters. I am presently opting to not have roosters. I have seen pullets who have been first introduced to a rooster experience neck and tail feathers pulled out and to shorten the story, experience the mental and physical abuse of being taught by the rooster how to submit to his hens without the rooster, are calmer and never running in a panic to escape the onslaught of a horney ol' rooster.......I have been in awe at times of the foxy wiles of the rooster as he has pretended to find food and gather his flock, only to pick one or two of the hens to "cover".......yep! It is the way of nature if you have a rooster........and unless you want chicks......he AIN'T last tidbit of information that was quite an "eye opener"........a lady friend of mine, who will not eat fresh eggs for one reason and one reason only........."if there is a rooster involved, where does his sperm go!?" Sorry, that cinched it for have a great time with your chicks.....

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