Are hens happier with a rooster around?

A GOOD roo keeps the peace. If the girls start to bicker too much, he gets in the middle of it and breaks it up.

A GOOD roo, makes sure all the hens get in the coop in the evening

A GOOD roo, stays alert and warns everyone of coming danger (e.g. the growl call when a raptor is above)

A GOOD roo---that's the key.

When my Roo was re-homed my hens seemed to settle down and become less jittery all the time, maybe he was too hormonal! One of my smarter hens seemed to move up in the pecking order after he left though. She took his place on the roost and is the first one outside in the mornings and the last one in at night. Sooo, in answer to your question, I think mine are actually happier than he is gone!!
Are we talking chickens or humans?

Some of the posts could apply to both!
Sorry I don't have the answer but just had to post seeing as how it was sounding like this could be applied to either!
But to find a GOOD roo is sometimes hard to do. I had to cull my previous roos due to not being GOOD roos, and I miss having a roo, but the hens were much to stressed. I hope ot find a GOOD roo this spring.
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I would say if you free range a Roo would help protect the girls for sure. I would certainly want one for that reason.

I don't free range though -way to many predators and not enought trees. SO from personal experience I would say my hens are much happier since I have gotten rid of our roo. They are more relaxed, and more friendly. I mean the only thing he did was jump on them ALOT so why would they miss it?!
I felt compelled to donate an Orpington rooster to a neighbor's cousin this spring. Piercingly loud and very aggressive!

I'd like to say I kept the little Silkie Rooster because he's adorable and cuddly, but mostly I kept him because he doesn't bother the girls, he protects and serves like a GOOD roo.

I was bummed and nervous when I heard my broodiest Red Star starting to crow this fall. Always cuddled in a nest or in dust bath a hole in the lawn, sweet as could be.

But, I've been VERY pleased that he's remained pretty mellow. He's never once tried to peck me or the neighbor kids, and when he mates it's with the bigger Orpington hen, not his own Red Star hens. Kinda cool.
I got my first young roo this spring by chance and he turned out to be aggressive, mean, a non-stop rapist and the girls did not like him. They were never with him,always seemed to be running from him, he did not protect them, he was just plain nasty. Not ever having a rooster I then knew I never wanted one. The last straw came when he was continuously attacking me and I mean attacking as he would come at me with claws. It got to the point I knew this was not good and got rid of him. Immediately my girls stated laying more eggs and seemed so much more happier. But I did not want to give up on having a rooster because I knew and was told they all were not like that. In October a chicken friend of mine said someone dropped off three young roosters, they would end up in the soup pot so she asked if I would want one, she thought they were Brahmas. I saw a picture on someones avatar and it was him exactly, I wrote them and he is a Wyandotte and I love him as the girls too. He is kind and always worried about them, there is a little group that follows him around. He has never attacked me and he is not an aggessive rapist. I truly think my girls love him and I love having him out there with them. Sooooo I would say it definately depends on the rooster. I also have a little Banty Roo, very tiny and he has never tried to hurt him at all. I am hoping someone goes broody this summer and that I can have my own raised chicks instead of from the feed store. I love mixes! I feel I have a GOOD Roo.
My rooster makes no appologies for satisfying his needs, but other than naughty time he's a good guy. He calls to the hens when I come out with food. he chases off the cat when it gets too close, and only messes with the cockerals when they get in his way at feeding time. He also dictates bed time to the flock. He does good by me.

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