Are Leghorns just that bossy?


Chicken Chaser
May 24, 2020
Upstate South Carolina
Last night I pulled up a zucchini plant and tossed into the run for the chicks to munch on before I put them in the coop. In doing this, I spooked the Leghorns and they went running into the coop, while my two 15 week old ISO Browns stayed out along with the 6 week old ISO Brown chicks. The 6 week olds found the zucchini plants first and went to town, along with the 15 week Browns. They all were mixing and mingling for a few minutes without a care in the world. Then out steps one of the 15 week old Leghorns from the coop and immediately takes control of the plant the younger chicks were pecking at, scaring the younglings way.

In my observations, the Leghorns seem to be very "bossy" and only one of the younger Browns will stand up to them (at least for a short while) and linger around them. The Browns seem to be much more welcoming to the younger chicks. Is this just the breed and pecking order being determined, or mainly the breed?

PS: Found out chickens like to be tickled under their beaks last night during this event, both breeds. Just crazy to me, as I never expected play "coochie coochie coo" with chickens. :)

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