Are mutts bad?

I have so called "pet quality" chickens and tho they have characteristics of the kind of bird they are and the looks of what they should be.... they have some mutt qualities. And I love them.

I have a polish with a comb over~
I'll take a mutt any day of the week over "pure bred". Someone mentioned hybrid vigor and I couldn't agree more.
The only good reason I can see for wanting purebred stock is if you are operating a breeding operation.

My chickens are from the hatchery though as I couldn't find someone local with young mutts to sell.

I have 3 dogs...2 are germanshepard mixes and one pure Jack russell. The mutts are never sick and will eat whatever they get fed (I feed them Pedigree Healthy Vitality but they love the kitchen scraps.) I'm looking to rehome the JRT.

I have 2 grade horses and a pure bred appy...its the appy that isn't sound and probably never will be because of bad conformation.

Yup...I'll take the Heinz 57 anyday.

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