Are my 5 week old chicks pullet or cockerel?


7 Years
May 24, 2012
Rockland Ontario
I have 6 chicks and they just turned 5 weeks, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Columbian Rock and 2 Rhode Island Red. I think I have a cockerel or two. Can someone tell me if I`m right or wrong. I think the RIR is a cockerel and not sure about the Barred Rock.

i think you may be right! but im not sure on the barred rock it should be lighter to be a cockrel but the comb is kinda red
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The dark feathers and legs on the rock make me think pullet. Cockerels usually have lighter legs and feathers. Im also not sure on the RIR, because of straight tail feathers and it looks like the neck feathers are rounded as well, it makes me think pullet as well. It could just be an early maturer, quite early, she/he looks almost as old as my 10 week old RIR's. But I could be wrong.
I don't have the knowledge to comment on the RIR, but I think the rock is pretty clearly a pullet. Nice dark feathering, small comb, and gray wash on the front of the legs. Looks just like my girls at that stage. :)
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