Are my eggs fertile?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
I was thinking about hatching some eggs but my neighbor said it wasnt any use because when he ate some of my eggs he said there wasnt any sign of them being fertile. What is he looking for? How can I tell if they are fertile? When to candle? My rooster seems to be having fun with the ladys.
I know a while ago one of the mods posted pics of how to differentiate between a fertilized and a non-fertilized egg. Looked for it but didn't find it. try doing a quick search
If you check one of the sticky's at the top of the page in the Chicken Behavior Sec their is some great pictures posted by Speckledhen that show the difference of fertile and infertile eggs. There's no way to tell without cracking them opening to check for a few weeks. If you see consistent bulls eye then you can incubate them. You won't be able to tell if they are fertile until they've been in the incubator for at least 7 days. You can candle at that point to see if you see the embryo w/ veining. Sometimes at first the veining will look like a spider. Hope this helps!
Speckled, you beat me!

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