Are Non-true bantams broody?

Well any chicken can go broody, but some are less likely to go broody. Silkies, Cochins and orpingtons go broody a lot. Leghorns, and Wyandotte’s are way less likely to go broody. My friends EE just went broody (which are labeled ameraucanas a lot) but they sometimes go broody. I’m not sure about pure ameraucanas, I know mine haven’t gone broody.
The bantam version of any breed probably goes broody more often than the standard-sized version (because anyone who is seriously selecting for non-broody layers is working with standard sized chickens, not bantams.)
I'm pretty sure they are Ameraucanas because they are black.

Do you already have these chickens? Or are you thinking of getting them from someone?

Chickens seem most likely to go broody in the spring, although some do it at any time of the year. So if you already have them, watch what happen next spring and then you'll know.

If you deal with someone who breeds these chickens, ask about their particular line of chickens, because some strains might be more prone to broodiness than others.

If buying from a hatchery, look at the hatchery descriptions, because many state whether that breed is likely to go broody.

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