are ocellated x domestic turkeys sterile or fertile?

Interesting question. Lorenz apparently had some luck:


You can purchase the entire article here:

(UM doesn't have this on the shelves otherwise I'd have grabbed it and `burnt' it off).
Fascinating. I was surprised to hear that this cross even was possible. Since they appear to be fertile theoretically it may be possible to produce a stable hybrid line with many of the characteristics of the Ocellated. They are such beautiful birds, particularly the plumage that this might be a worthy project. With hunting pressure, limited geographic distribution and habitat destruction and the known difficulty in captive breeding of full Ocellated turkeys this may be a good way to provide a source of feathers and perhaps take a little pressure off the full blooded population. Again very interesting.
Wow, thanks for that answer! I wonder what viability you get with the little hen poults... If mostly the males survive, you would keep breeding toward wild US turkeys and lose the colors over a few generations. I guess you better get a girl occ x too if a person was going to go for it. I'm not going to go for it. Too much of a challenge for me right now.

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