Are peahens loud?

I answered quite a while back saying they are sometimes loud. Only loud when there is reason-predators, etc. I would say they are quiet overall. Wonderful birds. My male died last winter. If anyone knows of someone who would sell a few hatching eggs, it would be greatly appreciated and I would be grateful.

For those in the know-Is it possible for a two year peahen to lay. One of my girls has suddenly become fascinated in nest boxes and has visited the nest often over the last two days.
Yes, two year hens will lay at least one clutch of eggs usually later in the season depending on what time of year she was hatched. Late hatch hens tend to lay later in the year. Her fertility rate improves with an older cock.
If there are males in the vacinity (like within a half-mile or more) they will hear each other and try to get together in the spring. Well behaved hens will go off on a date and come back home to nest.
Yes, two year hens will lay at least one clutch of eggs usually later in the season depending on what time of year she was hatched. Late hatch hens tend to lay later in the year. Her fertility rate improves with an older cock.
They hatched early in the year. No cock at all-disappointing and none anywhere near. Should they nest, I'll likely give them turkey eggs to hatch and raise. Thank you for the reply.
The peahen is at it again with looking through the nest boxes. She seems determined about evicting a bantam from the nest and claiming it for her own. Questions:

1. If the peahen does lay eggs, will she also go broody in the absence of a male?

2. Should broodiness occur, would/could the peahen hatch and raise large Australorp (my black Ausie hen lays eggs as big as turkey eggs; not double yolked) eggs and chicks? Or turkey eggs and poults?

3. Would it be worthwhile to order, and have shipped, fertile peafowl eggs?

Making plans just in case. I'd love to see a peahen raise chicks.
Despite best efforts to prevent it, my pea eggs and chicks were being taken by raccoons Last 2 years I put pea eggs under broody Muscovy ducks. It has worked well as long as I remove the egg as soon as there is the first signs of pipping, and then finish hatching inside. The ducks killed several newly hatched peachick before I did this. Guess they don't know the story of The Ugly Duckling.
I hope other can give you answers as to whether pea hens will raise others eggs

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