Are quail considered poultry? Any egg layers that aren't?

Now, that would be one TINY omelet.

Or I would need like, 50 eggs. I have a medicine cup full of them, 8 fit nicely. Yes, I know it's wierd but they are so cute and I couldn't let them hatch them all anyway.
My next question is this -- how many quail are you talking about? And, what kind?

Because, if it's just a handful, say 4 or 6, and you are thinking about Coturnix, can you just keep them inside or in a garage or some other place where no one will ever know.

Because, let me tell you, I would have absolutely no qualms about keeping 6 Coturnix in an indoor cage, as long as I was faithful about keeping them clean and used the proper odor-absorbing bedding (in my case, pine shavings or that Yesterday's News work best).

If they were indoors, who would even know, and if they did know, I think the argument could be made that they're pet caged birds.

Yes, I'd considered that but I keep running into discussions on the quail forum talking about smell issues....ideally I'd like to keep them outside, although the garage is option's roomy and has an east facing window (I know they'd still need supplemental lighting most likely).
This just shows how idiotic poultry laws are. You can pack your house full of canary and finch cages, you can have as many cockatoos and macaws (which at 120 decibels are twice as loud as a hen chicken) as you can afford, and no one cares-but put 3 chickens in your backyard and the law comes for you!
At the current time,Quail are NOT considered poultry. However,their is a big orginization coming together for the Coturnix quail.They are actually going to have set standards and colors for the Coturnix.They are also working on having the Coturnix reclassified as poultry instead of a gamebird.Poultry VS Game stats being that the coturnix is a domesticated bird that could not survive in the wild. Once they changed this,they would be able to be shown for 4H projects and such.They were at a friend of ours' facility in Feb going over the standards and checking all of his birds. He is now a certified Coturnix research,production,and development facility.

Check with your local supervisor/councilman office and see what THEY consider poultry. The worst part of the quail is the smell.I actually like listening to the males 'sing'.However,if you are only wanting them for eggs and no babies,you dont need a male.Therefor no noise!!!
This just shows how idiotic poultry laws are. You can pack your house full of canary and finch cages, you can have as many cockatoos and macaws (which at 120 decibels are twice as loud as a hen chicken) as you can afford, and no one cares-but put 3 chickens in your backyard and the law comes for you!

A friend of mine had African Greys, holy moley! The female loved the car alarm. She mimicked it all day & night. Schreech, schreech, beep beep beep. ACH!!!

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