Are Red Stars good layers? Ameracuanas?

I have three red stars that started laying the 3rd week in January, and I usually get 3 eggs a day. They are also very sweet and come running every time I come outside, giving me the "give us something" look of course if I haven't moved the play-yard.

The production has been very consistent and I have a couple of people that will buy every egg I sell. I guess they are addicted to those "country eggs" because the hens are addicted to "chicken crack!"
I have two white leghorns and one red star and she consistently has laid one egg per day for months wheras the wl hens are skittish and anything that spooks them (strange caterpillar, me bringing water, cat walking by etc) they will hang it up for a day or two so they haven't been very consistent at all. I wish I had more RS hens.
I have 3 Ameraucanas, and at 5 years old they are currently laying a gorgeous, and rather large, egg a day, each. They don't lay when it's cold, however. At least these 3 never have.

I have 5 Red Stars coming in my chick order. From what I read they will do well, but this will be the first time I've had them, too.
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I have EE's and mine lay huge blue eggs, and they lay almost everyday, and these girls I saved they were de-becked and only getting cracked corn to eat. Mine lay very well.

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