Are the cold...


10 Years
Aug 8, 2009
Central N.S.
...or just trying to make me feel guilty? Last night the temperature had dropped a bit, and the girls (who are still in the garage, by the way) were asleep at their usual time. This morning when I went out they were huddled together as if they were cold. "Come on" I told them, "it wasn't like it was cold last night, it just wasn't as hot as it's been". They gave me the evil eye, though.

Are they trying to pull one on me, or am I being cruel to expect them to go all through our cold winter without heat...*

* I want to raise them to be as healthy as possible, so did not plan on heating the coop at all. I've spent the last weekend telling DH we don't need heat, just a draft-free place for them and nice, warm water as the days get cold.
How old are your chickens?

Last fall, my five month old chickens did the same thing on our first chilly night of the season. I panicked, brought them indoors for the night, then built them an insulated winter coop. I later figured out it was just the sudden drop in temperature that bothered them, because once they acclimated to winter they happily frolicked in daytime temperatures in the teens.

And mine are bantams, part Seramas, which is a breed not known to be cold hardy.
Ridgerunner, There was no sound of distress, just that look. It isn't even that it was cold; the temperature only went down to 'comfortable' from 'I'm dying here'...silly girls! This morning they are fine, no huddling, no LOOK. Maybe they were accusing me of turning down the thermostat? I'm in Nova Scotia; temperature today will be about 24C (75 F?)...a bit cooler than it has been, but still warm.

Elmo, They are 11 weeks, fully feathered Welsummers. I think you're right; today they weren't doing it...
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It is good for them to become acclimated to the colder weather.... they will cudldle... mine have been like that in the morning even on warmer days... But, i think the gradual cooling is good to gear them up for winter... It sounds like they are using their combined body heat to stay warmer
Mine huddled last night too, and they've been pretty spread out on the roosts this summer. I think it's just that they've gotten so use to not being able to breathe it's been so hot, and now it feels like Fall is coming on.
Around 11 weeks is when mine start roosting on their own. Until then, they sleep huddled on the floor, even when it is very warm. I think they get comfort from the closeness of the other chicks.

Have you read Pat's articles? She lives in Ontario so will have more credibility than me concerning your climate. I don't heat either but then it only gets down to the lower single digits Fahrenheit, around -16 C, in a normal winter. As long as there is no wind and snow, mine like to play outside in those temperatures.

Pat’s Winter Coop Temperatures

Pat’s Ventilation

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