Are there any sound activated wifi type things to sound an alarm when chickens make a lot of noise.


Dec 11, 2020
My chickens are great at making a lot of sound when a predictor is near by, like a coyote or owl. Trouble is I'm inside, maybe sleeping, and can't hear them from inside the house. The perfect thing I need is a wifi type sound activated alarm/notification. Something with a microphone I can leave outside, and then when the chickens make noises it can send me a notification to my phone inside the house or sound some sort of alarm in the house... or even just a microphone outside with a wifi speaker that I can keep inside the house. Does anything like that exist? I've heard alexa can have an away mode and then listen inside your house for sounds like broken glass. I need something just like that, but something that will listen for chickens making their sound of danger being near.
My chickens are great at making a lot of sound when a predictor is near by, like a coyote or owl. Trouble is I'm inside, maybe sleeping, and can't hear them from inside the house. The perfect thing I need is a wifi type sound activated alarm/notification. Something with a microphone I can leave outside, and then when the chickens make noises it can send me a notification to my phone inside the house or sound some sort of alarm in the house... or even just a microphone outside with a wifi speaker that I can keep inside the house. Does anything like that exist? I've heard alexa can have an away mode and then listen inside your house for sounds like broken glass. I need something just like that, but something that will listen for chickens making their sound of danger being near.
:welcome :frow I have electric wires around my coops and pens. If anything touches the wires they will know it and will be hurting for a couple of days and won't go near the wires again but I have a very strong fence charger. I actually think the adult predators teach the youngsters to stay away and that the chickens aren't worth getting zapped for. You can turn it off during the day or leave it on and it will teach anyone or anything not to mess with the birds. I have a cutoff switch under my fence charger. It is AC so I can just unplug it too. I also have game cameras up around on my property. Good luck to you and with your flock...

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