Are there REALLY inbred cannibals in the woods of west VA?


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
I watched the wrong turn movies, terrible, awful, but had me thinking; Are they really out there? Are there any sightings of strange people in that area? I know, stupid question, ofcourse not, what would make you think that? I kind of always get that feeling when I'm a foresty area. Even here in Cali. That feeling you're being watched... Or that uneasyness you get when you need to ask for directions in a remote area and the closest house is the stereotypical hillbilly looking place. If I see a 'no trespassing' sign I turn around, run back to the car, and I tell my mom no one lives there.

Same reason I don't want to visit Prague. Ever since I saw Hostel.. Lol. I also find these movies kind of insulting. West Virginia is really beautiful, why make a movie about cannibals living in woods of W.VA? To me it would make more sense to make a movie about a couple of people scaring off deer that are being hunted by hunters and the hunters chasing after the people in the woods. Scary but I can see it happening.
Got 'em here, 'em yetis and canniball's fight, can hear 'em at night, the growling noises, them slamming in the house. Thats why we set up that there trap line, roasted Yeti pretty good, then when some one drives up to turn around (we live at the end of a drive way so if someone needs to turn around they gotta come up to us) we can snag 'em and get us a delight, gosh im hungry.... *car noise driving up* LOOKI THERE, WE GOT BREAKFAST!

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