Are these both boys?

Oh I know. The red is also kind of mean which is adding to the rooster effect. I won't get rid of him till I'm sure, don't worry. The sussex is just the sweetest though, really hoping for a girl on that one.
Boys are usually nicer at this age. Mine are very friendly. The girls are stand-off-ish.

Do you mean people-mean or aggressive towards other chickens?

Rhode Island Reds are generally like that to other chickens. My RIR is a sweet-heart to people though.
Boys are usually nicer at this age. Mine are very friendly. The girls are stand-off-ish.
Do you mean people-mean or aggressive towards other chickens?
Rhode Island Reds are generally like that to other chickens. My RIR is a sweet-heart to people though.
Kind of skittish to people and mean to the other chickens. Our other production red is a definite hen and is very sweet.

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