Are these chickens really Buff Orpingtons?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
Spring 2011 my mom randomly bought me some chicks(for sale at our local feed store), brought them home, we set up a little area in our bathroom etc. Three breeds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Silver laced Wyandottes. Three of each...

Anyhow, the Buff Orpingtons really do not look anything at all like Buff Orpingtons. Since I didn't buy the chicks I didn't know, but I asked her and she says the sign said Buff Orpingtons. Therefore, I've finally brought myself to ask the question on BYC, hoping some people could tell me. The feedstore chicks weren't exactly "top quality" in appearance, except for my Wyandottes, which happened to be the largest chickens I have when they should be the smallest(?).

Here's one of my Buff Orpington hens, note the brownish/gold specks on her wings, but she's the only one with those specks. (I know she's a little roughed up by the tailfeathers and head, along with a couple other of my hens they're getting picked on a little bit...)

(different hen from above, not sure how much this "reveals" other than the other hen)

They're good layers, lay big brown eggs, and are very docile.
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nope not BOs
is that a rose comb? maybe a rhode island white. not many options for a brown egg laying white hen. looks kind of production typy body so it could be te RIW or some other production white. Doesn't look like a white rock
i wan to know whwt is candeling

. . . That's, uh, not really on topic or related to the original post in anyway if you're talking about candling an egg?

And no, it's a single comb. I just added another picture, unfortunate thing is is that the camera I use got the screen broken so I have to just use my aiming 'skills'.

And they aren't totally white, kind of a very pale, light yellow.... that might be able to pass as white, though? Don't know...
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Hmm, they look just like Tetra tints. I just don't know though, Tetra tints seem a bit uncommon, considering the feedstore just has chicks like Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, (along with a couple breeds of duck and quail) etc. relatively common breeds. I wish there was some sort of magical inexpensive DNA test I could take for those hens
It really just depends on your feed store and the hatchery supplying them. Example, though Tetra tints are sold "exclusively" by Mt. Healthy hatchery for Tractor Supply, its just a Rhode Island Red x White Leghorn, so nothing to stop another hatchery selling the same cross under a different name. Also, other hatcheries have similar crosses, Dunlap sells an Amber White that is a Rhode Island Red x Rhode Island White and looks almost identical to the tetra tint. Your best bet is to call the store and see if they can tell you what hatchery/hatcheries supplied during that time frame, the go to the hatchery's website and see what they sell.

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