Are these eggs problematic?


Over egg-sposed
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2023
Florida Panhandle
We are candling eggs - day 14 and came across these two eggs. The first one is a video, so I could try to show the shadowy movement. Is this normal? It doesn't look like the other eggs. Please forgive the music. It was to drown out background music:

Has this egg died?

I don't see any growth in this one. Do you?

Thank you everyone for your input. I will be updating our Hatch-A-Long post in just a moment with the full 14 day candling video. But wanted specific insight on these two as it's our first time.
I sadly think dead. It's only got a week left and hasn't grown and I see no veins. The shadowy movement is the yolk. If you move, it moves. If you hold still, it won't. If it was alive in there, you'd know it!

If per chance you just can't decide, I mark ones I can't be sure about with a question mark in pencil. Then when candling before lockdown, then I know for sure at that point.
I sadly think dead. It's only got a week left and hasn't grown and I see no veins.

If per chance you just can't decide, I mark ones I can't be sure about with a question mark in pencil. Then when candling before lockdown, then I know for sure at that point.
Is that your opinion on both of them? Or which one? and Thank you
I was thinking the first one. The second one about the same thing but I see that familiar air sac that looks funky. Does that look weird to you too compared to the viable ones?
Yes. It looked different - and the black part kind of swirled and floated unlike the others. this is our first time doing this. I didn't realize you were supposed to candle again before lockdown - so I am happy you mentioned it.
Yes. It looked different - and the black part kind of swirled and floated unlike the others. this is our first time doing this. I didn't realize you were supposed to candle again before lockdown - so I am happy you mentioned it.
It's a good time to do it as usually most of us are opening the incubator anyway to take out turning racks or lay down rubber mats, etc., so sometimes we'll find an egg that died or can check all those questionable ones one last time.
You're so welcome. The questions about eggs for me never go away and I've candled hundreds. You'll get better at the obvious, but still sometimes something tells us not to count one out yet. :) I have hatched a few eggs that I had put question marks on.
We actually just did that with two eggs. Our hen had a staggered hatch. I miscalculated how long she'd been sitting and slid an egg under her that I thought was in the same day. And then, another hen got one in on her (or she stole one) and we didn't realize it until later, despite checking for extra eggs. I'm still baffled on that one.

She ended up having to abandon the two extra eggs when the other two hatched. On a lark, I put them in lock-down in the incubator. They were both cold, so I was sure they were dead. However, one hatched the next day and the stolen egg hatched yesterday. Thankfully, she has adopted both of the chicks. We managed to save them. She's a very young pullet, so I was suprised she went broody and stuck it out - and she's been a fabulous mother.

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