Are these eggs viable? (pics) 12 bantam eggs, day 5 in bator


Enthusiasm Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2020
Deep South
Hey y'all!

I'm going to candle again on days 7 and 10, but I wanted to chuck any obvious quitters now. Here are the 12 eggs, please let me know which ones are fertile! I know there's a couple with strong, visible veins, but there's a couple that are questionable. The ones with an H were dipped in hydrogen peroxide before being set in the bator.

I'm thinking #2, 6, and 11 are viable, but I'd love to get others' opinions. I see 2 blood rings and one that looks like clumped dead vessels (#5), but the one that's questionable to me is #3.

TIA! I know the pics aren't wonderful (sorry), but my brother's not a super experienced egg photographer :lol:

@Kiki @LaFleche @azygous


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Okay, I'm very new at this . . . I am only candleing my first batch of eggs, which go on lockdown on Sunday. Looks to me like 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 show signs of life. I did see the blood rings, but I'm so new at this, I would let someone who's done this for a while confirm they are blood rings.
Number each egg individually and separate the ones you think are dead/clear on one side of the incubator (write down the ones you think are questionable) and check again at day 10.

There will probably be people that disagree with me here, but I would also advise switching to a standard LED flashlight to candle eggs, especially if you watch them for more than a couple seconds. The intensity of the cell phone light could potentially damage/kill the embryos. (I unintentionally did this once to myself while holding my phone between my bare legs with the light on while I was trying to fix something. It was an intense pinpoint burning sensation after about 30 seconds. I can only imagine what it does to tiny chick embryos.)
Number each egg individually and separate the ones you think are dead/clear on one side of the incubator (write down the ones you think are questionable) and check again at day 10.

There will probably be people that disagree with me here, but I would also advise switching to a standard LED flashlight to candle eggs, especially if you watch them for more than a couple seconds. The intensity of the cell phone light could potentially damage/kill the embryos. (I unintentionally did this once to myself while holding my phone between my bare legs with the light on while I was trying to fix something. It was an intense pinpoint burning sensation after about 30 seconds. I can only imagine what it does to tiny chick embryos.)
I agree.
Is it at all possible to get the version of the photos in color? : D
Okay, I'm very new at this . . . I am only candleing my first batch of eggs, which go on lockdown on Sunday. Looks to me like 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 show signs of life. I did see the blood rings, but I'm so new at this, I would let someone who's done this for a while confirm they are blood rings.
I agree. The B&W is hard to distinguish.
I'll get color later today, sorry!

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