Are these good breeds?

What breeds do you currently have?
I have 4 that are about 6 years old.
1. Rhode island red
2. Silver laced Wyandotte
1. Ayam cemani
My "newest" ones are about 2 - 3
2. Sapphire gem
2. Olive eggers
2. Easter eggers
1. Astra white
1. Ayam cemani x black sexlink
And a few bantam's.

I need at least 17 - 25 layers.
I had one French Black Copper Marans once. She was a staggered layer of chocolate brown eggs.
She once had a stuck shell-less eggs that broke inside her. All I could do was give her extra calcium, & allow her to pass the egg material.

The summer of last year she randomly died from a heart attack. She was almost 1 year old.
How many eggs per week? 4/7 Or worse?

Interesting, I wonder why she died that way.
So, would you get another Marans or no?
Sorry for your loss.
I've had both SS and Leghorns. Leghorns are known to be among the best layers. SS are up there in the egg production as well. Both breeds have good personalities, though the Leghorn was flighty. Neither one of these breeds are broody.

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