Are these roosters?


10 Years
May 27, 2009
We purchased 5 columbian rocks and 5 comets from a local feed store approximately 7 weeks ago and were told they were pullets. I'm afraid over 1/2 are roosters. What do you think?
Pretty sure this is a rooster
Thinking this is a hen
Thinking this is a hen
Pretty sure these are roosters
Thinking you are right with your guesses...

Assuming they are all about the same age, top and bottom pics are all roos, middle two pics are girls.

Out of curiousity, how did the feed store guy determine which were pullets/roos?

Obviously the bin of chicks had to be ordered as straight run from the hatchery - no hatchery gets THAT many wrong when they are sexing the chicks.
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Apparently they were a straight run because there are several other people that got some at the same time we did and they are having the same problems - over 1/2 of what they got are roosters. The new girls i picked up yesterday, from a different feed store, are guaranteed to be pullets. I'm keeping my fingers crossed
At least "guaranteed" pullets should net you mostly pullets. Your guesses are right - those big red combed suckers are boys. At least straight run gives you a good choice of roos to keep - bright side...
You're guesses are right. Sounds like the first employee thought that they had ordered all pullets but they really had ordered a straight run instead.

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