Are they really this thirsty?


12 Years
Nov 28, 2007
Abilene, TX
I have 7 laying hens, and 3 `.5 month old chicks all drinking out of the same 1 gallon waterer.
They go through the whole thing daily. Is this normal, or are they throwing it everywhere, and
it just dries up before I can catch it? It seems like a lot of water for only 7 chickens.

I need suggestions for a DIY waterer that can hold enough for almost a week or so.
They may be that thirsty, but I suspect they're tossing it out a bit, and if it's as windy there as it has been here, you've got some pretty good evaporation going on as well. You might try the coop pages for some water system ideas. Good luck!
It depends on how dry and windy it is, like they said. It evaporates fast here. I do through a 3 gallon one avery three days or so, but they love to drink out of the dogs water, so I am sure they drink more then that. I have eight.
I have 2, 3 gallon water containers. One is in with the standard hens (5) and has to be filled up once a week. The other is with 3 silkies and one EE and about half full when we fill up the other one.
well if wind is evaporating it, then it may be the culprit, because the wind hasn't stopped blowing here for over 3 weeks now.
It's been blowing like crazy. I'm surprised my chickens aren't all bald.

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