Are they sick?


7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
Southwest Virginia
I went out a few mins ago to let the ducks out, but one of them still had her head under her feathers and didn't move for a while. Finally she did wake up and just look at me after I made some noises. The other one just put its head down as if to go back to sleep while I was standing there. I didn't let them out I just closed the pen back up and left them to sleep. I did let George out she is happily foraging around. It has me worried because I have rarely seen them sleeping.
Ok I went back out there and they had their heads raised but still laying down. While I was out their they both but their heads under their feathers again and I could sort of see their eyes rolling back in their heads. You know I could see the whites in their eyes. Has anyone seen their ducks sleeping? Is this normal sleep behavior? They were fine yesterday
They may be sleeping in, or they may be run down and feeling puny.

I cannot remember what you are feeding them. Did they go into an area yesterday that may have had poisonous plants or yucky water? Keep an eye on them, give them vitamins and lots of fresh water.

Do they have a clean swim area?
I am feeding them Purina flock raiser. They have one of those turtle sand boxes to swim in. I also have a kitty litter pan that my kids use to step in to get the grass off their feet before going in their pool. The ducks have sort of taken it over. That water gets changed a lot during the day. It's small but one of them is in it almost constantly. I cleaned the pool Monday, I try to clean it every other day at least if not every day. They did have a big day yesterday, they were outside basically all day. They basically followed George around all day eating from our yard. I don't think they eat anything different.

I haven't bought any vitamins for them yet except the brewers yeast. I will have to go today and get them some.
There are unexplainable deaths with ducks, though we try to know the cause to prevent future loss.

Sad to hear of her passing. I don't always express my sorrow before launching into forensic investigation mode. I don't mean to be callous.

She may have had a weak immune system that succumbed to some common bacteria or virus. How are the others' poops? How is their breath?
There are unexplainable deaths with ducks, though we try to know the cause to prevent future loss.

Sad to hear of her passing.  I don't always express my sorrow before launching into forensic investigation mode.  I don't mean to be callous.

She may have had a weak immune system that succumbed to some common bacteria or virus.  How are the others' poops?  How is their breath?  

They are still living. Nothing has happened to them yet. I went back and re read my post I don't know what I said that gave you that idea. Maybe just thinking of another post or something. You are such a great asset to this forum, and so helpful to everyone I would see how it could get confusing.
They are still living. Nothing has happened to them yet. I went back and re read my post I don't know what I said that gave you that idea. Maybe just thinking of another post or something. You are such a great asset to this forum, and so helpful to everyone I would see how it could get confusing.
Oh, Missy60,

I had a mental misfire. I was about to respond to your post, and my little brain did indeed launch to another situation. Well, hurray that you have not lost one! Mercy. I do mean to apologize, though, for sometimes being so intent on problem solving that I fail to communicate my care for the ducks and their people.

Do you suppose they might just be tuckered out after a big day? There are mornings my ducks are quiet, even after they know I am up. . . I am tempted to worry when they are not as noisy first thing in the morning. They are just maturing, I think.
I am so thankful for your replies to any of my post. It is obvious to me your care and concern I just take it as exactly that you going into problem solving mode. It is obvious to me your great love for ducks and your wealth of knowledge on them.

I guess I am such a worry wart they seem to be doing just fine. I went back out an hour or so later and they were ready to come out. They ran right to the swimming pool. I know it's strange but I had never seen them sleeping. One of them eyes was sort of rolling back in its head going from white to black. I just knew it was dying or something. I guess it's strange that I had never seen them sleeping. Well I seen them sleeping when they was very little. I have had George over six months and she lays down some but always jumps up when ever I go outside. She is never a sleep.
I hovered so much over my ducklings the first year and a half, I think my beloved thought I had lost my mind. (He may have been right!) But we got through that time, and yes I love these critters.

So, congratulations on being a concerned duck caregiver, because I believe your ducks will benefit greatly. Keep on paying attention, and asking questions when something does not seem right. Every time we post a question or concern on this forum, information comes forth that will help others. What a gift and a blessing!

I love it when I find out that what I am seeing is normal, and I can relax a little (until the next concern).

I would sit in the brooder for an hour after cleaning it, and just watch the ducklings. So, yes, I have seen them roll their eyes back and flop their heads over, jerk up and open their eyes wide, and then nod off again.
I did see them sleeping when they were little because they slept a lot then. I don't ever remember their eyes rolling like that. I should have woke up my grand daughter because she knew that was normal. Yeah right like I was going to wake her up hours I guess the two are late sleepers, because they don't want out this morning either.

I don't know if you have been following my dilemma with George not liking the mallards. I have one big happy family now. The mallards always liked George they follow her around just like she is their momma. She has made it easier watching the babies because she comes when you call her and they are always waddling behind her. We had to separate them at night because she tried to flock them. Which concerned me because it wasn't a fair fight them being so much smaller. We just used rat wire between the pen so she could see them. We tried them on and off together to see how they did, but the fighting would start almost immediately.

When George gets in her pen she eats and drinks for a long time. She forages all day long and makes trips into the pen also during the day. The fight would start over the food she didn't want them around her food. It concerned me the most because she was a lone duck from birth I thought she might never like them. Well two days ago after a very brief hard rain we noticed them right under her playing in the mud. She let them in the pool with her, and most strange was she let them dive for veggies. We have a plastic pan we had been using to float mixed veggies in for the mallards. George really didn't show much interest in it until it had tomatoes in it. She had already had her tomatoes and I must say they were basically left with mostly scraps and some

On the rainy day she sort of let them eat with her , not making them settle for left overs. Ok I have to admit she let them eat down at the other end of the pan, but as long as they didn't get to close she was fine with it. She also let them swim with her.

We tried them again that evening together against my protests. There was a few little nips at each other, but like I said very little nips. My grand daughter was very insistent on leaving them together. She came up with a brilliant idea or so she thought. I could stay outside and watch the ducks while they caught lightening bugs.

To explain they I also have a grandson that lives with me, but I don't talk as much about him because he really isn't into ducks as much. His idea of duck fun is running with them, and racing them on his big wheel. George actually steers clear of, but one day we seen her chasing him on his big wheel. She would chase him for a while then stop for a while then right back after him she would go.

Ok to make a long story short I took out the wire and they have been one happy family since.
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