Are young roosters usually aggressive?


Aug 29, 2020
Las vegas, Nevada
Hello, i have a cockerel whos been acting a little aggressive ever since he reached 4 months. Not aggressive enough to actually fight me but he would usually bite my hands if i reach out to pick him up, he doesn't squirm or do anything when i do pick him up. He would only bite me like once an then never again. He would also sometimes bite the loose ends of my pants if i walked too close to him. Hes five months old at the time of this post and hes a rir black australorp cross with an unusual rose comb.
I personally don't handle my roosters so they grow up with a natural wariness of me. I don't see aggression from any of them.

When handled and petted some roosters will become too familiar with humans and they try to dominate them same as they would any other chicken they were raised with.
Hello, i have a cockerel whos been acting a little aggressive ever since he reached 4 months. Not aggressive enough to actually fight me but he would usually bite my hands if i reach out to pick him up, he doesn't squirm or do anything when i do pick him up. He would only bite me like once an then never again. He would also sometimes bite the loose ends of my pants if i walked too close to him. Hes five months old at the time of this post and hes a rir black australorp cross with an unusual rose comb.View attachment 2399425
My young roo was like that, after a few months he grew out of it and now runs over to be picked up and cuddled, and is amazing with the ladies.
Hello, i have a cockerel whos been acting a little aggressive ever since he reached 4 months. Not aggressive enough to actually fight me but he would usually bite my hands if i reach out to pick him up, he doesn't squirm or do anything when i do pick him up. He would only bite me like once an then never again. He would also sometimes bite the loose ends of my pants if i walked too close to him. Hes five months old at the time of this post and hes a rir black australorp cross with an unusual rose comb.View attachment 2399425
This is normal. My rooster was the same during this age. Whenever I tried to pick him, he would turn his neck back and bite me. lolol I started using gloves at that time because I got scared too much. As for the pants issue, it could be due to the colour as well.

With my roo, he attacks shoes whose colours seem scary to him. I had to experiment and change a couple of my shoes until he finally accepted a pair. Also, age is a big factor again. Once your roo gets out of the adolescent age, he'll calm down considerably. Mine did too.
That cockerel is about the most handsome one I've ever seen.

I do have a few peck marks at the moment from a couple of fiesty young cockerels. I will be keeping them, but I definitely need to be wearing boots and covering any skin before I go out.

Most of my older boys have gone through this stage and passed happily out the other side.
I do what I want with my roosters. I pick them up bring them inside they are eye candy. I have yet to get flogged by this lot, but that is more of a testament to the mature hens raising them. They are starting from ground zero and have no standing in the flock.(6/03/2020) they are still turning into beautiful long tailed Sumatra.
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