Are Your Hens Setting On Eggs Yet? 2012 POULT FORECAST

I only have one hen and one Tom.. Red bourbon hen and white royal palm Tom. She is not laying yet and he is more interested in the geese than in her, lol. Hopeful that they will get together sometime..
My hens are just now old enough to lay and one has laid 4 eggs so far. I've seen Turcules attempting to "do his thang" but I've only seen him treading her back, so don't know if he's figured the whole thing out yet. I'm planning to fire up the incy in a day or so and put a few eggs in to test along with my chicken eggs. Here's hoping!
I'm an egg artist looking for turkey eggs that won't hatch...please keep me in mind anyone out there who has turkeys laying but infertile eggs!! I'm in Michigan...

if I have any duds I will let you know.. I use a tiny drill bit to make the hole so I can blow out the eggs.. so the hole is minimal and there is only one in the shell
it works really well on emu eggs too since you really have to look to find the hole.. lol
So many people hatching turkeys. Wish I had the space.

I was kind of excited to see this thread. I had a hatch that was a flop. 49 eggs made it to lockdown. First 3 chicks were shrink wrapped. One DIS and I had to get the other 2 the rest of the way out. Somehow my temps hit 104 and I have no idea how long. Then the humidity dropped. I have temps right, humidity is up, but nothing happening.

I have 2 hens that are the only 2 that can clear a 4ft fence on one side of my yard. They've been over there a lot and I'd only see them every once in a while out back, so knew they were up to something. One hen is daughter to the other and mom hatched chicks next door last year. So I was really down about the hatch and my grand daughter came running in from next door asking why I put the new babies out back. I KNEW IT!

The daughter brought her little brood of 8 home and was showing them the ropes. Thing is last year they were hiding nests all over the place and the smallest clutch was 4 chicks. Every single hen ended up with one or 2 chicks after a few days. I seriously think some went down gopher holes. I watched a momma one day walk her chicks around a bush. Four walked around and only 3 came out. I searched everywhere, so it may be snakes too. Not that I've seen one, but the chick just disappeared never to return.

So today I was out scooping up chicks to put in the brooder and trying to keep mom from tearing me up. I left her with one but if I can get to it, I'm grabbing it too.

Here's most of the babies, all fat and poofy. Their gramma hasn't come home with babies yet, but I figure they both started hanging out about the same time, so hopefully she'll be bringing her chicks home next.


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