Arizona Chickens

That makes a lot of sense. My barred rock that is laying is the most calm chicken of the flock, and LOVES to be picked up and petted on. The two barred rocks were always the nicest in my flock but she actually seeks my attention now, especially after an hour or so of free ranging in the yard.

"Artemis", the apparent production red, has never been the most friendly but doesn't seem mean to my other 8, so I'll just have to deal with the cards I was dealt. I'm disappointed in IdealPoultry for messing up my order but I at least got a pretty bird out of it that is apparently going to be a big producer.

Red Sexlinks are made from RIR so there is not much difference.
Oh I found my pullet!!!!  :celebrate something definately scared them all and apparently she went up into the orange tree while everyone else ran to the coop.  I looked all over and couldn't find her but once I took out the mealworms she came out.  Yippee!  Still wonder what spooked them 

Glad your pullet is safe & found a hiding place. I have a pair of Red Tail hawks nesting in my neighbor's tree & my roos are constantly sounding the alarm. A few of my hens are staying in the coop almost all day.
I did order one red sexlink from ideal and it looks identical to the "breed standard". This one has black in her tail and wings and looks different than my rsl but if there is no true standard to the breed they may have sent me two rsls. Is "production red" a different bird than a rsl?
Went to the OK feed to pick up some hay and well

I really need to stop going to places that have baby chicks...
(Sorry for the bad pic, I just snapped a quick one when I was putting them in the brooder)
I got 4 Copper Marans and two guinea fowl (if anybody could help me on the colors of the them that would be nice)
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