Arizona Chickens

Where can I get a female baby chicken this weekend?

I hatched one baby this week by accident and it needs a friend. I don't want to go to Pratt's and I've called a few places that either don't have any or only have unsexed chicks.


Go for duck's they are so much fun!! Not sure on where.. Pratts always has them but every time we get them, in a situation like yours, they are sick.. So bring home medicine.. If you go there..
Whoa the wind is blowing hard out here! Tried to get the birds to bed early but they're not having it. They'd much rather hide under the bushes. I figure they know what they're doing, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about them blowing away. And now the power is out...
I would be worried too, but mine are at least a little safer in their run. Only a few more months and i will be able to let them out.

Just don't rent in a HOA.. I am sure some will chime in as to where on that side of town you can have them.. Really just about anywhere, I think..
What breeds do you want?
I would love Australorps but I'm still researching who does best in the heat. They also need to be sweet because of the kids (age 5 to 1) Australorps sound like good layers while still being big enough to eat the "extra" birds.
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LOVE our Australorp! She is very friendly. Jumps in my lap every once in a while. Has been known to jump up to my shoulder when I'm in the middle of a conversation. My daughter's boyfriend almost had a heart attack when he saw that! She doesn't do it with anyone else. She's a very good layer. Not as good as our RIR but very good. Handles the heat very well. This is her 3rd summer and so far so good. Best of luck and have fun no matter what type you choose.
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Just don't rent in a HOA.. I am sure some will chime in as to where on that side of town you can have them.. Really just about anywhere, I think..
What breeds do you want?
I would love Australorps but I'm still researching who does best in the heat. They also need to be sweet because of the kids (age 5 to 1) Australorps sound like good layers while still being big enough to eat the "extra" birds.

I observed the birds from quality breeders verses hatcheries tend to be more friendly. Barred rocks probably so so and Black Copper Marans are pretty friendly if u raise them from hand from young, even if they are not friendly when you get them; they still warm up to you if you start handling them and feeding them treats. Orpington seem to be pretty friendly if you handle them.
Ask@ChuskaMtns as she has exotic, white etc orpington birds. They are dual purpose bird (meat & eggs)and a much bigger bird than any production/hatchery breed. Her orpingtons are way bigger than hatchery Australorps and really anything else. You must keep them cool in the summer. Cool wet ground, pools, fans etc as you would any other bird.
I have heard Easter Eggers do well with heat but they are production birds, are not very friendly and lay green eggs. Or of 5 I lay one to the heart this summer. I don't expect them to lay as long since they are production/hatchery birds.
I have some Amerucanas(blue) who if handled are pretty friendly and lay a blue egg. Desertmarcy in Tucson sells chick's and pullets from time to time.
I have enjoyed my one leghorn, who can be friendly, but this breed is particularly flighty. So it depends if you handle them or not. They are good daily layer of white eggs.
I would always get at least one or two silkies for a family as they are very friendly, but their eggs are very small and they tend to go broody and try to sit on eggs or ceramicor wooden trying to hatch them. Super sweet birds! Even the roos are sweet! I do not have any as of yet.
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Australorps from the hatcheries are never very big, nor do they lay a very large egg. I've had 2 and don't find them very friendly. One I raised as a chick and she is still stuck up. -.-
Unless you can find a breeder that had heritage breeds. I think you may be disappointed.
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I bought this "black copper marans" roo when he was a chick, and he looked like the typical black copper marans chick. But within the last month, his feathers have been turning blue. Does that mean that he might be a blue copper marans?

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