Arizona Chickens

so glad it worked out!
Hoping someone can tell me why my hen might be losing feathers around her head?
It's only one of my three... about a month ago we started noticing that she was losing feathers around the top of her head.
I thought it might be a weird molt and would grow through.. but those feathers have not regrown, and now she is starting to lose some on her neck.
Thank-you for any help.... I tried dusting her with Food Grade DE, but did not see any results

Hoping someone can tell me why my hen might be losing feathers around her head? It's only one of my three... about a month ago we started noticing that she was losing feathers around the top of her head. I thought it might be a weird molt and would grow through.. but those feathers have not regrown, and now she is starting to lose some on her neck. Thank-you for any help.... I tried dusting her with Food Grade DE, but did not see any results
How old she she? What breed? Do you have any roosters?
Hoping someone can tell me why my hen might be losing feathers around her head?
It's only one of my three... about a month ago we started noticing that she was losing feathers around the top of her head.
I thought it might be a weird molt and would grow through.. but those feathers have not regrown, and now she is starting to lose some on her neck.
Thank-you for any help.... I tried dusting her with Food Grade DE, but did not see any results

I would have asked you the same questions as deserteggs asked, but I also have another question. Is she the lowest hen in the peeking order? Sometimes the lowest hen will also get picked on by the other hens. My next door neighbor had that happen to her lowest hen this past spring.
How old she she? What breed? Do you have any roosters?

I would have asked you the same questions as deserteggs asked, but I also have another question. Is she the lowest hen in the peeking order? Sometimes the lowest hen will also get picked on by the other hens. My next door neighbor had that happen to her lowest hen this past spring.
Y'all, please don't mention that vintage stuff in my presence...It sorta trips my trigger, and I got to mill through about 3,000 LP''s to find that stuff. If you want mood music, I got it, but I'm afraid my future hens may get too laid back, lazy (and possibly horny). Please excuse that last comment.. I'm also a Motown Baby. --BB

I'm not going that route in digging a gazillion feet deep. I plan on running some heavy hardware cloth, extending at least 18-36 inches around the perimeter, and building planter boxes over it, filled with dirt. I haven't been out in the back yard for months, but this what I have started. It started as four 8 x 8ft squares, resulting in 16 x 16ft total, with a 4 x 8ft portion parted off to watch Chicken TV. You can see some of the screening extended out from the base, but that will be extended. The sides and top; will be completely screened in, and I have a 12 x 20ft tarp that will cover the complete left portion, only leaving the observation deck and 4 x 8ft of the run exposed. The wide opening in the middle will be the entry way. The coop will go in the back upper LEFT 8x8 section. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

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Hoping someone can tell me why my hen might be losing feathers around her head?
It's only one of my three... about a month ago we started noticing that she was losing feathers around the top of her head.
I thought it might be a weird molt and would grow through.. but those feathers have not regrown, and now she is starting to lose some on her neck.
Thank-you for any help.... I tried dusting her with Food Grade DE, but did not see any results

With no roosters, and if it's NOT the girls establishing (or maintaining) pecking order, it could simply be part of her molting. Several of my girls went completely bald during this latest, hard molt. I was particularly concerned about one of my Frizzled EEs because she was so completely bald, but her feathers are FINALLY growing back.

EDIT: I've also seen some hens peck notoriously at another's head because they don't want her to occupy a particular nesting box, especially at night. Hens can sometimes be very territorial.
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Y'all, please don't mention that vintage stuff in my presence...It sorta trips my trigger, and I got to mill through about 3,000 LP''s to find that stuff. If you want mood music, I got it, but I'm afraid my future hens may get too laid back, lazy (and possibly horny). Please excuse that last comment.. I'm also a Motown Baby. --BB
You've got the music! From Lansing so Motown & Detroit Rock was part of growing up. Your birds would be so happy to have a party with that music.

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