Arizona Chickens

While we are on the topic of hay, what kind do you all use or prefer? I have sand in the coop and half of the run. I added alfalfa to the other half so that they could have a a different texture and something warmer for their feet in the winter (sand is cold!). They love the alfalfa so much, it's like Christmas when I add new flakes and they seem to truly love it. Almost too much. I catch them eating it sometimes and that worries me. So, should I be using something else? Or should I just nix the hay altogether and keep it fully sand & dirt?
While we are on the topic of hay, what kind do you all use or prefer? I have sand in the coop and half of the run. I added alfalfa to the other half so that they could have a a different texture and something warmer for their feet in the winter (sand is cold!). They love the alfalfa so much, it's like Christmas when I add new flakes and they seem to truly love it. Almost too much. I catch them eating it sometimes and that worries me. So, should I be using something else? Or should I just nix the hay altogether and keep it fully sand & dirt?

I just have the regular ground dirt in mine. I heard that those scorpions like to hide out in the hay. I use some of that artificial turf as a nesting box mat. If it gets dirty looking, it's easy to take it off and hose it down to clean. I have several of those, so I put a dry one in when I wash the other one.
@cactusrota I like your new profile pic, really cute :rolleyes:
We had a thick fog hang out all day yesterday, and my husband went down into town today and said it's still really foggy there. It finally stopped raining last night. The hay in the run is soaked through, so I'm hoping it will dry out soon or else I will probably have to replace it. I'm so happy we got this rain, the desert needed it!
aww.. thankyou! I just felt like a change. :)
The fog started lifting around mid morning today. Now the sun is out and it's pretty nice. I didn't really have anything in my run and coop except for wood chips in the coop, so the run is a big mudpit. I'm thinking of heading down to the family farm where the hubby's uncle has some horses and stealing some hay just to toss around to dry it out some.
@BlueBaby Ok this is good the hear...Honestly it would be a lot easier if they were on dirt and sand only. The hay is hard to keep clean...I've done deep bedding before but when it rains, like the past few days, I feel like it's just a big poopy mess. With the sand and dirt, I can easily keep things clean. Rain or shine. Maybe I will redo the run. They are going to be MAD at mama when I remove their beloved alfalfa :mad::gig
I catch them eating it sometimes and that worries me. So, should I be using something else? Or should I just nix the hay altogether and keep it fully sand & dirt?

I've actually met a number of people that buy bales of alfalfa just for that reason. To provide greens during the dry season when nothing is growing, and to give them something to tear up. I've actually pulled up fresh alfalfa from nearby feilds to toss to my birds. Actually, the hubby was just suggesting the other day that i should get a bale for them, then scrape up the mess they leave behind and use that as an insulating mulch for my garden. I'm considering it.
aww.. thankyou! I just felt like a change. :)
The fog started lifting around mid morning today. Now the sun is out and it's pretty nice. I didn't really have anything in my run and coop except for wood chips in the coop, so the run is a big mudpit. I'm thinking of heading down to the family farm where the hubby's uncle has some horses and stealing some hay just to toss around to dry it out some.
What do you use in your nest boxes? At least my nest box stays dry. Right now I have cow hay and alfalfa in there, but I could do wood chips. They would love that, I am just imagining them partying and throwing wood chips like confetti :lol:
I've actually met a number of people that buy bales of alfalfa just for that reason. To provide greens during the dry season when nothing is growing, and to give them something to tear up. I've actually pulled up fresh alfalfa from nearby feilds to toss to my birds. Actually, the hubby was just suggesting the other day that i should get a bale for them, then scrape up the mess they leave behind and use that as an insulating mulch for my garden. I'm considering it.
I have never seen my chickens more happy than when they were given an entire bale of alfalfa to rip apart. I'm glad to hear that you know of others who give it to their chickens as a supplemental aid...that was kind of my goal for this winter. My uncle said they were eating bugs and all kinds of things in the bale, not just alfalfa, so it was ok. And alfalfa is fine for them to eat. I guess my problem is that it gets wet it the run. Maybe I could do alfalfa in the coop where it stays dry...Either way I have definitely decided that the soggy stuff needs to go.
Punky update:

The hen, punky, who got broody and scared of mr. Roo bubu over the summer was put in her own enclosure to regain weight and mental stability (to refresh or for those that don't know)

After a false start a few weeks ago, I let out punky again just last week and she has finally mentally stabilized and is roaming with her family once again. Before she would run terrified of roo as if was a predator and he would chase her trying to help her bc he didn't understand he was that predator in her mind so she screamed and ran all the more

Now she's back to normal and I don't have to worry about where to put her when it gets hot!

Who knew chickens get crazy?!:gig
Oh my gosh such drama! I'm glad you got it sorted out. It's hard and stressful to worry about your flock.
What do you use in your nest boxes? At least my nest box stays dry. Right now I have cow hay and alfalfa in there, but I could do wood chips. They would love that, I am just imagining them partying and throwing wood chips like confetti :lol:
I use wood chips in mine. It's funny you say confetti. That's what some of them do! That and put the chips on their back when they are sitting in the nesting box. I was worried because I didn't speak chicken that something was wrong the first time I saw it. I found on BYC that it was normal. So yeah, it's entertaining to watch them with it. At least mine are!

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