Arizona Chickens

Thanks for the information on bees (even though I know this isn't a  bee forum). We have several wild hives and would love to keep them

We talk about al kinds of shared interests, bees, gardening, canning, anything that goes into our body's. Chickens is the main subjects. I have a personal problem of having a very big soap box. Once I get on it, I do not know when to stop. Not until a good friend lets me know
:duc I do not like putting good people in that position. I have to keep things brief as I can, with variable success.

Update 24 hrs in there was at lest 2 sworms. Alone and in experienced, I was ill prepared to capture them, one was leaving the other was trying to set up in another part of my shed. I thought I had selled it off before when that spot had a sworm. It was in my chicken pen, my girls were agitated, would not go to roost. After dark then wondered in to roost after the sworm quited down. I could think on nothing else but to poison it. Now to marrow morning I am going to have to get up early and wash the area with soap and lots of water. Rake up all the straw and get ridge of it. I just picked up soom 30 gal lawn bags, they will come in handy. I put pest strips in my shed, just in case they get inside.

I guess my girls learned some time ago to stay away from the bees, only the 6 chicks that Mary brood go back there. They must think it is great, no big girls to boss them around.
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It reminds me of my Velvet Ash tree, but the leaflets and flowers are a little different. Wonder if it's a relative?

I agree it looks like an ash tree of some sort. I have a Shamel ash and the branches look the same. Is if flowering? Ash trees get tiny green flowers followed by seeds with one sail or wing on them.
We talk about al kinds of shared interests, bees, gardening, canning, anything that goes into our body's. Chickens is the main subjects. I have a personal problem of having a very big soap box. Once I get on it, I do not know when to stop. Not until a good friend lets me know
I do not like putting good people in that position. I have to keep things brief as I can, with variable success.

Update 24 hrs in there was at lest 2 sworms. Alone and in experienced, I was ill prepared to capture them, one was leaving the other was trying to set up in another part of my shed. I thought I had selled it off before when that spot had a sworm. It was in my chicken pen, my girls were agitated, would not go to roost. After dark then wondered in to roost after the sworm quited down. I could think on nothing else but to poison it. Now to marrow morning I am going to have to get up early and wash the area with soap and lots of water. Rake up all the straw and get ridge of it. I just picked up soom 30 gal lawn bags, they will come in handy. I put pest strips in my shed, just in case they get inside.

I guess my girls learned some time ago to stay away from the bees, only the 6 chicks that Mary brood go back there. They must think it is great, no big girls to boss them around.

We all get on our soap boxes, and we all know that I can be very long winded on off-topics! But every time, people seem to thoroughly enjoy it and have been very receptive to it. I mean, worse case scenario, they start reading your post and then skip it when they get bored. Or just skim it. No harm, no foul...

It's an absolute shame you're killing off the hive. I really wish you had have gotten with me before you started that. I have an extra hive still sitting here that Daphane and Petra haven't picked up yet, so we could have set it up for the swarms. Like I mentioned extensively in the personal message, there are other options available. I would have volunteered the time and some of the equipment to get it taken care of. With the exception of the vacuum chambers on the top and bottom that would easily be built, I have the hive parts and shop vac. I thoroughly enjoyed working with bees, so keep me in mind when you get to going. Good luck on the clean up. I'll message you back.
Wait! Hold your horses DEMOSTHINE! I don't want a hive. Maybe some day but definitely not now. Where did you get the idea I wanted a hive. I think DePhane is considering it, but not me.
LoL. Petra, Daphane had volunteered you to come pick up the remaining boxes for her last we talked. Guess she hadn't asked you yet? The hives are all for her.

Now that was a funny response!
LoL. Petra, Daphane had volunteered you to come pick up the remaining boxes for her last we talked. Guess she hadn't asked you yet? The hives are all for her.

Now that was a funny response!

Actually you must of gotten her confused with my friend Eva.. She and her husband live close to you.. I just saw them yesterday.. Eva will be calling you.. She is getting us 3gallons of honey & popping by your place to get the rest of the bee hives.. My 2 neighbors are handling the rest.. I think the one is going to talk to someone she knows.. I am volenteering with a company when they have to remove/relocate.. I will post up the web site on that when we have more time.
I mean really the thought of fresh honey!! And fresh goat milk!! Agh.. Petra you are funny... I bet you were thinking, "what is he talking about""
So funny...
And blessings for Sonoran & her devastating loss... See ya all later..
Enjoy the rain
SO sad to read about Sonoran Silkies. Lots of love being sent to her and her family.

I have been working the past 2 weeks for more permanent means of chicken proofing our yard. I had posted pics a long while back of a temporary fence I had made out of trellises that contained the chickens ok but was very unstable and kept falling over and was only held together with zip ties.

This one...

So I spent last week making

It is lined with chicken wire so the ladies can't get through between the pickets.

I also needed something better to keep them out of the veggie garden because I had plastic mesh and chicken wire being held up with garden stakes and it kept falling over and was terrible. So I made...

The whole thing is hinged so it folds up into a section of 3 and a section of 5 panels. It still needs one more coat of stain but they're calling for rain so I am going to hold off on that.

The chickens are ticked because I have denied access to all things fun like eating my veggies and pooping all over the patio.

And on a side note my late bloomer Tea (Welsummer) has continued to lay almost every day. While I was building the garden fence I had the girls locked in the run for a few days so she was forced to lay in the nest box after her first 2 eggs were laid under bushes. Today she was let out during her lay time and she attempted to find a place in the bushes but ended up heading to the nest box in the end. I'm hoping that will continue. Her first 4-5 eggs alternated between medium brown and light brown with speckling and have finally started becoming a nice darker brown. Here's her last 2 compared with my Black Sex Links on the right.

Does anyone in Tucson or nearby raise true Araucanas? I bought 3 batches of Araucana hatching eggs last year and only hatched 3 chicks, and all 3 turned out to be roos! Two of them are gorgeous, rumpless and clean faced, and the third has kind of a pitiful tail. I would give any or all of them for free to someone who would be interested in breeding them, in exchange for some hatching eggs sometime in the future.
Just purchased 3 buff orpingtons and 3 black sex link babies yesterday. While I've been into chickens all my life, and that's a really, really long time, I am not familiar with all the hundreds of different breeds. So - anyone have black sex links? What is their personality, laying percentage, etc. A lot of these breeds did not exist when I was on the farm in Indiana.

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