Arizona Chickens

I just discovered that someone took my treadle feeder plans and is mass producing them in China and selling them in Pet Club stores.  It makes me sick.

Look at the bright side, more people will benefit from your design.

Been there, that is why you need to do a kettle planing a head. Draw up your idea, take pictures at all angles, have it notarized, take 7 envelopes, put copy's of documentation in each. Them mail yourself 6 back, by special handling were you need to sign for them when you get them back. This is enough to take claim to a patent. I have a box of them in my dads storage VALT, I will never see. When he died his wife took clam to everything and moved everything into her storage. No one will see anything again.
Oh! By the way any BIRDERS out there? I saw yesterday a small bright yellow bird I have not seen sense the 50's. It once was part of flocks 50 to over 100. 4-1/2"-5" long, black on its wing and I believe it had a black crown. It was moving very fast and I did not get a good look at its head or beak. It did not land, but I am most excited about it. If I see it again with a better view I should be able to make corrections to my observation. Also a vivid blue bird who's feathers flashes purple in the sun. About the same size.

The yellow birds with black wings and crowns are most likely American goldfinches. Not sure what the vivid blue bird who flashed purple was, but if it was about the same size as the yellow bird I suspect it might have been a male indigo bunting.
Umm, yeah, that's a problem. Once I climate controlled the greenhouse I couldn't plant things that require a pollinator, which I don't like. My plan is to, someday, install a roll up curtain so that I can open up the side to let them in. I'll have wire underneath/inside so that the chickens can't get through. Even more importantly, I want the opening to let in predators that will eat the aphids that seem to appear right after sealing it up for the winter.
so if I add windows that will let them in that might help?
I've got some young birds separated without food, waiting to butcher them today. But then discovered neither of us replenished the ice in the freezer to chill them
We always freeze gallons of water for the butcher process.
ok I am curious why? My hubby butchers them not me so I am just curious what the cold water is for.
Greet! I will buy it. You might be surprised at the interest. BYC is international... Built in possible costumers. I, at different times want to keep track of all that. Mostly food vs eggs, also condition of my girls. I used to do things by the calendar, such as dusting and such. Sometimes I am late because I forget the date. Not really a buggy. I use my app on the calendar to remind me most of the time. Attached to the app fertility tracking of eggs/hen/rooster, male and female per clutch. To many times I hear this rooster give more pullets. This way you will have proof. If you have only a hand full of pullets it is easier to just mentally keep track. But it is also convenient to put in data in an app that will do it for you. A feature of a graph is what will make the data come to life. You can see just how much you are spending per eggs, meat or both. Another thing is miles on travel to feed stores. If you have to go 20 miles (round trip) that is $3.xx to $4.xx a trip depending. I drove 80 miles round trip every 2 months. At $3.XX - gallon, at 14 miles per, I figured that into the coast of feed. Also time, if you place value on your time. Not including just fun time with chickens. There are supplements and treats... I want that APP. let me know when he puts it out. I will be happy to help use it and trouble shoot, even though at the moment I have only 2 pullets (Margaret is doing fine in her new flock) at the moment, I will be back and have a flock again.

sry bout the caps did not realize before I hit send.
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Hey ladies I have read many posts on here but still have many questions.... I am a newbie and not sure if I went about my chickeness in the right way haha

When you free range your hens do you lock them up at night or let them be? (I live on 2.5a in chandler)

How big of a coop do they really need???

Man do mine seem to poop a lot!!! does that mean I feed them too much?

Do you cut the wing so they don't fly over the fence?

is there a way to mix chicks and hens together and have them be friendly?

I have many more but this is a start hahaha

I got 5 2yr old brocks
and 4 chicks brocks
Hey ladies I have read many posts on here but still have many questions.... I am a newbie and not sure if I went about my chickeness in the right way haha

When you free range your hens do you lock them up at night or let them be? (I live on 2.5a in chandler)

How big of a coop do they really need???

Man do mine seem to poop a lot!!! does that mean I feed them too much?

Do you cut the wing so they don't fly over the fence?

is there a way to mix chicks and hens together and have them be friendly?

I have many more but this is a start hahaha

I got 5 2yr old brocks
and 4 chicks brocks

Hi~! Welcome to BYC, it's a great place to learn all about keeping chickens and also to meet friends. :)

Our first flock is about 10 months old right now, so I'm a newbie too, but we let ours free range during the day with supervision and put them in a coop at night.

We have had some losses to a bobcat and also to our own dog, but we don't live in a town, we live in a wilderness area.

Prevention is so important, it will save you much heartache. do as much as you can to protect them, because EVERTYHING likes chicken.

Chickens poop. A lot. Haha! Seriously, they do.

We built a coop and run that would accommodate double the amount of chickens we have right now to account for more chickens later, but we still built another smaller coop and are now working on another even bigger one. I can never explain chicken math, but just build bigger than you think you will need. You won't be sorry.

We don't clip wings, because we want ours to be able to get away from predators if possible, we have a light breed that can fly fairly easily. I've seen them fly 20-30 ft high into a tree. Being in town, you might consider it so they can't get out of your yard. I guess it depends on breed and how high your fence is.

I don't have any experience yet with mixing different ages, so no help there.

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