Arizona Chickens

Looking for at least 4 more laying hens to supplement a growing foster family's egg production. They already have some layers, but with more kids they could use more eggs. Please let me know if you have laying hens available for $10 or less each. South Phoenix area or down towards Coolidge and Casa Grande.
Consider some coturnix quail for the kids. They are cute, a kid friendly size and rival the best of the best chicken layers for egg production. They even lay all summer when the chickens have all but stopped because of the heat.
Oh BOY, we are enablers..instigator's & love going into people's yard's to get free food!! :lau I'm cracking myself up today..
I just found some wonderful information on Oregano Oil in the use of chickens!! :)
apparently it works good on worms and seems to help in peafowl too. Here's the info as I dont know how to copy the link on this! Sorry!

In BYC look up ........ Oregano oil works for cocci and worms, it works!

We will look it up!! I found one yesterday when I was making a new garden bed.. There was lot's of dove poo on the ground near the area..
I put this round worm in a Baggie. I want to see how long it will live without a host.. So totally gross I know, but I want to do a independent study...
Good idea City farm, do an independent study I am always one for that. We are losing Chickles,, -.- she doesn't look better she's not eating or drinking so I'm a try to keep her hydrated and see if anyone knows how to euthanize her painlessly so I can just put her to sleep. Anybody with any info please PM me ASAP
My famous White Leghorn who is in my avatar has eyp which is egg yolk peritonitis.

I think this is common for her breed and she's dying and her crop is not full so she's not eating and she just staying still so I'm going to try to keep her hydrated and keep her as comfortable as I can
I just found some wonderful information on Oregano Oil in the use of chickens!! :)
apparently it works good on worms and seems to help in peafowl too. Here's the info as I dont know how to copy the link on this! Sorry!

In BYC look up ........ Oregano oil works for cocci and worms, it works!

We will look it up!! I found one yesterday when I was making a new garden bed.. There was lot's of dove poo on the ground near the area..
I put this round worm in a Baggie. I want to see how long it will live without a host.. So totally gross I know, but I want to do a independent study...
Good idea City farm, do an independent study I am always one for that. We are losing Chickles,, -.- she doesn't look better she's not eating or drinking so I'm a try to keep her hydrated and see if anyone knows how to euthanize her painlessly so I can just put her to sleep. Anybody with any info please PM me ASAP

I did call. But now im driving
Never a dull day here in Tempe at our city farm.
Female woodpecker





We did cover her up. .she has already drank water and was making a nest.
We had our first 4-H meeting tonight. I don't know if we will ever be poultry experts, but I suspect this is going to be a fun journey to take the flock on :)

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