Arizona Chickens

Well I managed to catch up on the posts finally. I've been home a few days but am not moving much yet from the Nov 4th operation. The adrenal glad was cancerous - so now its out - we'll see where it pops up again! The venal hernia repair is what has me walking around like I'm 110 years old and looking at 3 plus months to recoup with a binder and drains and 50 staples down my middle! My DH is a wonder this time as we made everything as easy as possible for him to take care of from his handicapped scooter. The chickens are thriving although one of my old girls(5+) passed on last night. I try to feed in the am - there's not much to that and I keep my fingers in the pot. DH keeps up the water and the cleaning (kinda) so the birds will do fine until I'm again back on my feet. What the future holds right now is up in the air as I need to convince the insurance company a PET scan is a good thing!! Stay warm and happy everyone.

I hope you heal up quickly....and stay cancer free. Scary stuff. Sending lots of love and hope your way.
Well I managed to catch up on the posts finally.  I've been home a few days but am not moving much yet from the Nov 4th operation.  The adrenal glad was cancerous - so now its out - we'll see where it pops up again!  The venal hernia repair is what has me walking around like I'm 110 years old and looking at 3 plus months to recoup with a binder and drains and 50 staples down my middle!   My DH is a wonder this time as we made everything as easy as possible for him to take care of from his handicapped scooter.  The chickens are thriving although one of my old girls(5+) passed on last night.  I try to feed in the am - there's not much to that and I keep my fingers in the pot.  DH keeps up the water and the cleaning (kinda) so the birds will do fine until I'm again back on my feet.  What the future holds right now is up in the air as I need to convince the insurance company a PET scan is a good thing!!   Stay warm and happy everyone.     

:hugs   I hope you heal up quickly....and stay cancer free. Scary stuff. Sending lots of love and hope your way. 
X2 more :hugs remember easy does it and make sure to take any medicine with something small in your stomach that help in the morning before you start to move ( some medicines will make you nauseous if not taken with a little food), and do some Very gentle stretching of what's," allowed or is possible", before you get up and start to move. Definitely take your time. Remember everything will wait for you it's not going anywhere fast. I myself personally hate surgery I think I must have had 3 surgeries in like six or seven years time period. Talk about cramping my style being able to do stuff that I wanted to do. PM me if I can be of further support I worked in the medical field a long time as a personal CNA in my youth.
First egg today! :woot
Oh! No wonder that egg was so small! I though my barred rock layed this egg; it was my Japanese Bantam's first egg. My Barred Rock layed her first egg yesterday. Exciting week! :celebrate I guess the extra light in the morning is helping.
Congratulations and how Eggciting on the second Egg! ..... when it's overcast and threatens to rain then my chickens seem to slow or skip that day when it comes to laying their eggs, fYI in my experience. Enjoy your fresh eggs there's nothing like it! :D
I just have to share because nobody understands egg excitement better than BYC friends.... Our very first little Serama egg! I wasn't expecting anything until Spring! We moved them to a run new yesterday & this morning I found the egg! I guess she likes it!
Well I managed to catch up on the posts finally.  I've been home a few days but am not moving much yet from the Nov 4th operation.  The adrenal glad was cancerous - so now its out - we'll see where it pops up again!  The venal hernia repair is what has me walking around like I'm 110 years old and looking at 3 plus months to recoup with a binder and drains and 50 staples down my middle!   My DH is a wonder this time as we made everything as easy as possible for him to take care of from his handicapped scooter.  The chickens are thriving although one of my old girls(5+) passed on last night.  I try to feed in the am - there's not much to that and I keep my fingers in the pot.  DH keeps up the water and the cleaning (kinda) so the birds will do fine until I'm again back on my feet.  What the future holds right now is up in the air as I need to convince the insurance company a PET scan is a good thing!!   Stay warm and happy everyone.     

Lifting you up in prayers. .:hugs
I just have to share because nobody understands egg excitement better than BYC friends.... Our very first little Serama egg! I wasn't expecting anything until Spring! We moved them to a run new yesterday & this morning I found the egg! I guess she likes it!

That's awesome! Chickens really do know how to tell us when they're happy.

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