Arizona Chickens

Ok, with the 4th of July (Independence Day) coming up, and we have all of these chickens that are giving us all of the eggs... Who besides me is doing the deviled eggs for it?

I'm thinking egg's "chick's" in a basket. .
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My 4 month old polish chick is acting very strangely, and I'm a little more than freaking out. My dad came into my room thismorning and woke me up, to tell me that "Your polish may not live much longer." I immmediately jumped out of bed to check up on her. She was standing in the middle of the area she shares with a SL Wyandotte, and seemed to be in a trance, kind of drunk. I checked her immediately for signs of the first thing that came to my mind, Mareks. She has no goo in her eye, and the other chick is perfectly fine, so I determined Marek's was not the cause, with a sigh of relief. But when I though about it, she was acting as if she has no use in her legs, ior that she was in pain in her neck and legs. She cannot for the life of her hold her head up for more than about a minute, and falls asleep standing up with her head on the ground unless you lie her down your self.

As if there is something in her brain that is causing the issues.

I got her to eat some strawberries, and drink some water, though before that, all she could muster up from her vent was a squirty 3 drops :/ she has not been eating or drinking for a while, I could tell that. I'ts as if she can't get to it.

She is now separated in a box in our living room with a careful eye being thrown her direction every few minutes.

Does anyone know what this is/could be, and a cure/solution?

I love this little girl, im basically on the verge of tears and will even take her to the vet if necessary. I can't imagine waking up in the mornings to not have her in my coop.

please help....

My 4 month old polish chick is acting very strangely, and I'm a little more than freaking out. My dad came into my room thismorning and woke me up,  to tell me that "Your polish may not live much longer." I immmediately jumped out of bed to check up  on her. She was standing in the middle of the area she shares with a SL Wyandotte, and seemed to be in a trance, kind of drunk. I checked her immediately for signs of the first thing that came to my mind, Mareks. She has no goo in her eye, and the other chick is perfectly fine, so I determined Marek's was not the cause, with a sigh of relief. But when I though about it, she was acting as if she has no use in her legs, ior that she was in pain in her neck and legs. She cannot for the life of her hold her head up for more than about a minute, and falls asleep standing up with her head on the ground unless you lie her down your self.

As if there is something in her brain that is causing the issues.

I got her to eat some strawberries, and drink some water, though before that, all she could muster up from her vent was a squirty 3 drops :/ she has not been eating or drinking for a while, I could tell that. I'ts as if she can't get to it.

She is now separated in a box in our living room with a careful eye being thrown her direction every few minutes.

Does anyone know what this is/could be, and a cure/solution?

​I love this little girl, im basically on the verge of tears and will even take her to the vet if necessary. I can't imagine waking up in the mornings to not have her in my coop. 

please help....
Force fluids like every 15 minutes. She has to drink or she won't make it.
Yes get fluids in her. Apple cider vinegar, "ACV"
Mixed in the water. 1 tbs for about 1 qt.. I just eyeball it. I would even start her on antibiotics just to be safe. It could be coccidia,roundworm. How does her dung look? Are they outdoor bird's, spider/ scorpion? She could be picked on because she can't see very well and somebody could have pecked her?
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Yes get fluids in her. Apple cider vinegar, "ACV"
Mixed in the water. 1 tbs for about 1 qt.. I just eyeball it. I would even start her on antibiotics just to be safe. It could be coccidia,roundworm. How does her dung look? Are they outdoor bird's, spider/ scorpion? She could be picked on because she can't see very well and somebody could have pecked her?

I have been pipetting fluids in about every 20 minures. Her poo is pure water and not as often as usual.

My mom is going to stop and get her some respiratory antibiotics. We have found and figured she has a respiratory issue. She wheezes, and looks as is she is in pain when she breathes. So we have given her some garlic and power foods (Basil and Yogurt)

she can't hold her head up either.... she is so exhausted by trying to get oxygen to the brain that she can't/won't stay awake. Barley even fights when I put water in her mouth. I can't help but feel im loosing her though....

Im going to try the antibiotic when my mom gets home, and if she isn't better by tommorow, I will put her down. I can't stand to see her suffer like that. Shes only a baby and it's obviously affecting her.

Yes get fluids in her. Apple cider vinegar, "ACV"

Mixed in the water. 1 tbs for about 1 qt.. I just eyeball it. I would even start her on antibiotics just to be safe. It could be coccidia,roundworm. How does her dung look? Are they outdoor bird's, spider/ scorpion? She could be picked on because she can't see very well and somebody could have pecked her?

I have been pipetting fluids in about every 20 minures. Her poo is pure water and not as often as usual.

My mom is going to stop and get her some respiratory antibiotics. We have found and figured she has a respiratory issue. She wheezes, and looks as is she is in pain when she breathes. So we have given her some garlic and power foods (Basil and Yogurt) 

she can't hold her head up either.... she is so exhausted by trying to get oxygen to the brain that she can't/won't stay awake. Barley even fights when I put water in her mouth. I can't help but feel im loosing her though....

Im going to try the antibiotic when my mom gets home, and if she isn't better by tommorow, I will put her down. I can't stand to see her suffer like that. Shes only a baby and it's obviously affecting her.


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