Arizona Chickens




RV trip didn't go as we planned. This happened in the middle of Texas. Everyone is ok but we got behind on our move. Now we are in a hotel room waiting for a house to open up.

RV trip didn't go as we planned. This happened in the middle of Texas. Everyone is ok but we got behind on our move. Now we are in a hotel room waiting for a house to open up.

Slap me sideways and call me Sally, what happened!?!?!?

How did that happen to your beautiful TRUCK and TRAILER and AUGH you gave me a heart palpatation!
There is a lady in Litchfield Park who posts on Craigslist who has BCM eggs most the time. All her breeds are good lines. Our juveniles are from her. We were just looking for some diversity. She has Cream Legbars too. We went 8 of 8 on BCM hatch. Last hatch was Cream Legbars 10/12. Though 8 of 10 were boys so if anyone needs male lag ars we are fat on them.

I will have hatching BCM in about 4 months. Can you wait?

If he still doesn't have them by then I may take you up on that. I'm planning on incubating one batch (hopefully his NN's) the end of this month, and one more in the fall which was going to be either my own birds eggs, or some BCM's or more NN's. Although I've been considering black Java's too, if I can find some at a reasonable price/distance.
OOh my goodness thats insane!

So glad you guys are alright, thats super scary!!!

Be safe safe safe please, and im hoping a place opens up for you guys soon . My prayers are with you.

Was it wind or just too many things on one side of the hauler or what?

Not sure if it was wind or an air bag gave way or what. The trailer was basically empty except for our clothes and stuff. All the furniture had been removed to replace.


Thanks for he well wishes. I found a place today and signed the paperwork. It's gonna be great. My wife's work is literally a 3 minute drive. 5 acres wooded hillside in the backyard. Thinking about running electric through the woods and all for the chickens and dogs and maybe 2 pigs sometime soon.

I'm ready to get my chicks first though.
So yesterday was more hecktic than it needed to bee.

I was preparing my birds to go home that need to get submited to Open today, get all the cages ready, and low and behold everything kinda went downhill from there

Some idiot caught a baby owl flopping around their yard and put it in a box, then dropped it off out front of the school. The office didn't think to tell our Ag teacher until 2:00 in the afternoon, and by then the poor baby Horned Owl had been in thet box 24 hours no water or food in the 90+ heat.

stupid stupid stupid STUPID people.....

it gets better.

The teacher thought that "Mom would come back for the baby and bring her back to the nest" if she let her roam alone, exposed, in the land lab.

yeah thats not how it works

So once the teacher left, I called Game n fish (to no avail) and then the Tucson Wildlife Center . The TWC offered to take her, so we drove her down there after I dropped my chickens and cages off at my house.

She was GORGEOUS, you uys. her eyes were so yellow they looked like a flower. almost unnaturaly yellow, they were amazing.

Her name is Macchiato, and she is a great horned owlet.

If I had my falconry application filled oout, I would have adopted her...

I know alot of Falcomers say that Owls are a challenge and that they aren't reccomended beause they are nocturnal...

but I would accept this challenge in a heartbeat for this little coffee colord raptor, she snatched my heart liek she snatched my pool towels XD

(Yeah she kept the pool towel.... she loved that thing and refused to release it with her cute little talons)
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So yesterday was more hecktic than it needed to bee.

I was preparing my birds to go home that need to get submited to Open today, get all the cages ready, and low and behold everything kinda went downhill from there

Some idiot caught a baby owl flopping around their yard and put it in a box, then dropped it off out front of the school. The office didn't think to tell our Ag teacher until 2:00 in the afternoon, and by then the poor baby Horned Owl had been in thet box 24 hours no water or food in the 90+ heat.

stupid stupid stupid STUPID people.....

it gets better.

The teacher thought that "Mom would come back for the baby and bring her back to the nest" if she let her roam alone, exposed, in the land lab.

yeah thats not how it works

So once the teacher left, I called Game n fish (to no avail) and then the Tucson Wildlife Center . The TWC offered to take her, so we drove her down there after I dropped my chickens and cages off at my house.

She was GORGEOUS, you uys. her eyes were so yellow they looked like a flower. almost unnaturaly yellow, they were amazing.

Her name is Macchiato, and she is a great horned owlet.

If I had my falconry application filled oout, I would have adopted her...

I know alot of Falcomers say that Owls are a challenge and that they aren't reccomended beause they are nocturnal...

but I would accept this challenge in a heartbeat for this little coffee colord raptor, she snatched my heart liek she snatched my pool towels XD

(Yeah she kept the pool towel.... she loved that thing and refused to release it with her cute little talons)

Good to see you got her taken care of properly!
Fyi - you wouldn't have been able to take her if you'd gotten your license anyway, as apprentices aren't allowed eyas's. Plus, very few falconers actually catch game with their owls.
Good to see you got her taken care of properly!
Fyi - you wouldn't have been able to take her if you'd gotten your license anyway, as apprentices aren't allowed eyas's. Plus, very few falconers actually catch game with their owls.

I think for apprentices, honestly it depends on the spomdor/mentor, and the State and dedication and time of both the apprentice and Mentor.

Its cos owls hunt at night, and people are up during the day, so people mostly just use owls as educational birds.

I would be willing to take on that challenge if I had my darn falconers apprentice licenseeeeeeeeee

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