Arizona Chickens

Tis the season for broodies! I have three girls all trying to brood in one flock.
Sexing peas depends on the color. My white and Java can take a year max. Have to wait on the tail feathers to be 100% accurate. The other colors you can tell by two months max. But all are sexed by differences in markings.
Interesting! They are so beautiful, I wish I had the room for some.
Chicks turn 4 weeks old today. Thinking of putting them in the grow out pen as soon as I can get my broody hen out of it. (The pen does double duty. Hope I don't get a broody while the pen is occupied with the chicks.)
If you do that and another goes broody, you can always get one of those folding wire dog crates to put her in. That's what I use.
If you do that and another goes broody, you can always get one of those folding wire dog crates to put her in. That's what I use.
Good idea. I have one of those. Will just need to rig some top for it.

Looks like the weather should be fine to put them outside. Nights will be mid 50s at the lowest. Maybe by Wed or Thurs, I can put them out there.

I've been handling them every day to tame them. Not quite sure how I'll do that once they go in the grow out pen... maybe I'll wait til late afternoon when I let the other chickens out in the yard. Then I can close the main run door and let the littles explore with me in there too.

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