Arizona Chickens
Thanks for saying what I've been thinking! I have been lurking for a couple months and this forum seems like a tough nut (or egg) to crack.
I'm from up north by Prescott and am new to chickens. I have an 8 yr old daughter that is sharing this wonderful chicken experience with me (my hubby is indifferent, but very supportive of my animal obsessions). We have 3 16 wk old pullets (2 barred rocks and a blue andalusian) and 2 7 wk old gold sexlink pullets. I had no idea what wonderful and fun pets chickens were!!! Ours live in a converted horse stall with a newly constructed outside run for the daytime. We live surrounded by BLM land, so predators are a huge concern, and I'm not brave enough to free range the girls yet. Please, accept me into the "club" and I'll keep doing my chicken math homework!:D. Jenni
Quote: That is the way I understand it as well - limited experience though.

One Dot still lays weird eggs - ridges in the shell, sometimes lumpy, sometimes soft. I have seen her eating the oyster shells in the mini feeder so she know she needs the extra.

She is also a Red Broiler and has no business laying as often as she does.

Loves my One Dot!
Yes, first eggs are sometimes strange. You can also get the pullet eggs when they re-begin laying after a molt or broodiness. Adding ACV to the water should help One Dot with calcium absorption/ There is also a bird vitamin.mineral supplement called Nekton MSA which is extremely good at helping bird who have calcium related issues. I hav e known of several cases where it was the ONLY thing that worked..
Thanks Sonoran!

I've been using ACV - prolly not as often as I should.

Is the supplement administered to one bird or is it added to the flock's water?
I would just give it to the affected bird, but if you had several with issues, I would consider adding to the whole flock, or at least adding a vitamin/mineral supplement. AviaCharge200 is really good, they LOVE the taste, and it makes the water look like a muddy mess.
Thanks for saying what I've been thinking! I have been lurking for a couple months and this forum seems like a tough nut (or egg) to crack.
I'm from up north by Prescott and am new to chickens. I have an 8 yr old daughter that is sharing this wonderful chicken experience with me (my hubby is indifferent, but very supportive of my animal obsessions). We have 3 16 wk old pullets (2 barred rocks and a blue andalusian) and 2 7 wk old gold sexlink pullets. I had no idea what wonderful and fun pets chickens were!!! Ours live in a converted horse stall with a newly constructed outside run for the daytime. We live surrounded by BLM land, so predators are a huge concern, and I'm not brave enough to free range the girls yet. Please, accept me into the "club" and I'll keep doing my chicken math homework!
. Jenni
Welcome DR Jenn, I'd say in my 6 months of frequenting this board it's only got heated a few times, then things chill down. Glad you came in with something fresh. I have been raising chickens for the past 6 months and LOVE IT. I love all 10 of my hens. I, too, never realized what great pets chickens were. I have 10. Two 1 year old laying hens and 2 that just started and have only laid their first eggs. One more is very near as she squats when I get close. I can't wait for all 10 to be laying. Hopefully this month they'll all be laying. You'll learn lots here. Even if it's in a disagreement. I learned Coyotes can jump block walls, who'd a thought?

Thanks for saying what I've been thinking! I have been lurking for a couple months and this forum seems like a tough nut (or egg) to crack.
I'm from up north by Prescott and am new to chickens. I have an 8 yr old daughter that is sharing this wonderful chicken experience with me (my hubby is indifferent, but very supportive of my animal obsessions). We have 3 16 wk old pullets (2 barred rocks and a blue andalusian) and 2 7 wk old gold sexlink pullets. I had no idea what wonderful and fun pets chickens were!!! Ours live in a converted horse stall with a newly constructed outside run for the daytime. We live surrounded by BLM land, so predators are a huge concern, and I'm not brave enough to free range the girls yet. Please, accept me into the "club" and I'll keep doing my chicken math homework!
. Jenni

A big warm welcome and congratulations on de-lurking. You're definitely accepted into the "club"; we accept anyone who loves chickens. Sometimes it's best not to read too much into a post that might cause you to steam; it can be hard to read the nuance of the poster's intention or know their personal history with an issue. We're all not going to agree on everything either, and that's O.K. by me. I can tell you that every BYCer I've met has been even more delightful in person than anticipated from their online persona (and that says a lot).

It's nice to have another person from up in your neck of the state. Are you a vet? Your chicken enclosure sounds great, we love pics around here!
Wow, I've been gone for a few days...yikes! This forum has a lot of bickering going on. I think Pit bulls are devil dogs. So what? Nova says store eggs are 45 days old (and I see where she got that) and Cali dude says 10. 10 days is still a while. I personally don't have a Pit and I have my own hens. Takes care of those two. And someone else wanted to buy hens for 8 bucks. It seems they got attacked for daring to think a hen could be only $8. Geez, guys. It's feeling a little hostile around here.
If commenting on someone elses comment about pitbulls being horrible dogs and stating my opinion is taken as hostile, then I guess I am hostile. I didnt realize this was a forum where you could only have one belief and not comment on anyone posts. I dont think it has gotten hostile at all. It is text , there are no tones to read or facial expressions, so everything can be taken the wrong way. I dont think anyone was attacking the $8 chicken guy, i think they were giving him more realist expectations.
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Wow, I've been gone for a few days...yikes! This forum has a lot of bickering going on. I think Pit bulls are devil dogs. So what? Nova says store eggs are 45 days old (and I see where she got that) and Cali dude says 10. 10 days is still a while. I personally don't have a Pit and I have my own hens. Takes care of those two. And someone else wanted to buy hens for 8 bucks. It seems they got attacked for daring to think a hen could be only $8. Geez, guys. It's feeling a little hostile around here.

It's all your fault, you weren't here to control us.
I think I'm going to lay off of the watermelon treats. I think I've discovered the reason for the runny stools. I know... Gross!, but this may help someone else, or maybe somebody can give me a better reason. Just trying to keep my ladies healthy.

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