Arizona Chickens

I have a BIG problem. I ran out of chicken shipping boxes and I need 1 more and they have to go out on Monday. Does ANYONE have a box I can buy from them? Please let me know ASAP..
PM me please.
Thank you
I have a chick box... that probably won't work.

Well, I've got my chicks out of the house (DW's orders) and into my Laree brooder outside. They seem to be doing fine... I went to Mesa yesterday on an errand and it was close to the Feed Barn there and I thought, I'll bet they have Purina Start and Grow there, and what do ya know, they did.... Along with chicks!, so I bought 6 to replace the ones that died....that will give me a better chance at having a 50/50 mix of males to females. I got a White Leghorn, 2 RIR, a Black Star a Buff Orpington and a Delaware.
We have the first baby of this kidding season. Others won't be due until Jan. He is a cute little buck that will be ready for Christmas if anyone wants him. He can go as a buck or weathered. He will also be de-horned before going. We all love on him everyday so he will be real sweet. Here he is with mother Scarlet.

We have the first baby of this kidding season. Others won't be due until Jan. He is a cute little buck that will be ready for Christmas if anyone wants him. He can go as a buck or weathered. He will also be de-horned before going. We all love on him everyday so he will be real sweet. Here he is with mother Scarlet.

How cute! How are your Serama eggs coming along?
I am not sure about the eggs for I am to worried about messing with them at 7 days. I will wait until next Sat to candle them if I can get up the courage to do so.
We are looking for turkey poults. Do they have them this time of year at any of the feed stores in the Valley? Does anyone raise turkeys that might be selling poults? We are looking for Narragansett, Slate, Bourbon Red, Royal Palm, or Lilac. No mutts please. Thx

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