Arkansas Blue egg layers

Well I've been gone a good while, life keeping me too busy, but I'm retired now :rolleyes: for better or worse. Guess that means more time to play with my crooks and converse with like minded crazy chicken peeps.
I recently lost my AB Roo when he bit off more than he could chew in the barnyard. Azul's kids are easy to pick out with their cocky combs
I'd like to get a couple AB dozen eggs, I've been hatching guineas and Rio Grand Turkeys so the gator is right where it needs to be but now I need to start filling it with fresh breeding stock.
Please let me know if y'all have eggs available.

I'm looking forward to renewing friendships and meeting all the folks who have joined in since I was last hanging out
17 AB's just went into lockdown !!!! Wish me luck !


Looks like I got 10 chicks, one hatched out fine but could not walk. Looks like my humidity was a little too low this time around, still have shipped eggs to hatch on Monday as well so increased the humidity a little for them - hopefully not too late.
:fl:jumpy good luck! :fl::jumpy

quote name="Metella" url="/t/874920/arkansas-blue-egg-layers/690#post_17034439"]17 AB's just went into lockdown !!!!       Wish me luck !  

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My temp had a spike :( LG styrofoam type a friend of mine calls a murder box .... oh well - I haven't yet invested in an incubator ...still on the fence as I don't like to cull a lot - and I don't like to process - I just want an even number to keep going - so I think I will keep giving a few eggs to broodies each year and not get an incubabor.

But I got one white splash and one grey splash and they are both walking and eating well ! :) Little fuzz-sters. I've still left the incu on for the next 2 days - just in case - but I think this hatch is over - 6 Spitz 4 Marans and 2 AB's

1muttsfan - you got all 4 blues!? Cool :)

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