Arrival of my ducks


May 11, 2015
My ducks will be arriving on Wednesday 5/20. Now that they are on their way, I'm a nervous wreck. I've never had ducks & don't know a thing about them. So I have lots of questions:
1. How long do I need to keep them in a brooder?
2. How much space do I need in their coop?
3. Do all ducks lay eggs and what do I do with them?
4. Do they roost like chickens when the sun goes down?
5. What do they eat? Vegies like chickens?
6. Do they fly away?

Sorry if these are the dumbest questions ever, I'm totally lost. I have been reading some on BYC and a lot of my other questions have been answered.
Its so cool you are excited.
1. It depends how old they are. They need lots of warmth and protection the first 2 weeks with the environment getting cooler and rougher slowly after that. We manage that with different size enclosures, different wattage lights and playtime outside. They need less heat and rougher environment to encourage normal growth.
2. Depends what kind of ducks! Usually people go with a half metre to metre square per animal, but you can get by with less if they don't get locked up for long. A secure lock up is essential and free ranging at least for a few hours a day is very good for them.
3. Yes all female ducks lay eggs. You can eat them, sell them, hatch them or let momma duck incubate them. You will have to manage excess eggs no matter what.
4. Ducks don't roost but they will put themselves to bed in the safe lockup spot, especially if there are predators.
5. You will need poultry layer mix, pellets or both. They do like scraps too and love foraging for bugs in lots if water.
6. Some types of ducks fly well enough to get away, some only fly a little.
Hope this helps! Welcome to byc
Thank you so much for the reply..... I'm getting 2 Rouen's and thinking about 2 Pekin to go with them. Sounds like I need a bigger place if I go with 4 ducks total. My space now is 4 x 8ft and their house will be on the outside of this area, however I have a 3 ft. kiddie pool that will take up some room inside. I've got my brooder all ready for them in the house & from what I read they need to be in this 3-4 weeks. I've never had duck eggs before and I'm not to sure about eating them, we will see. One more question, do they need any type of vaccinations?
Thanks for all the information !!!
Yes I think you will need more room. I'm in Australia and theres no vaccines over here for ducks but I'm not sure about other countries. I was squeamish about duck eggs to start with but now I love them!
If you use the area as their pen once they are used to it they will happily go out for a fossik and return again

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